
激光疗法是使用聚焦光的医疗处理。与大多数光源不同,来自激光的光(它代表lighta译化stimulatedemission ofr调整到特定波长的adiation。这允许将其集中在强大的光束中。激光非常强烈,可用于塑造菱形或切割钢。


Laser therapy may be used to:

  • shrink or destroy tumors, polyps, or precancerous growths
  • relieve symptoms of cancer
  • remove kidney stones
  • remove part of the prostate
  • 修复脱离的视网膜
  • 改善视力
  • treat hair loss resulting fromalopeciaor aging
  • treat pain, including back nerve pain

Lasers can have acauterizing, or sealing, effect and may be used to seal:

  • 神经末梢,以减少手术后的疼痛
  • 血管有助于防止失血
  • lymph vessels to reduce swelling and limit the spread of tumor cells

激光治疗v可能有用ery early stages of some cancers, including:

  • cervical cancer
  • penile cancer
  • vaginal cancer
  • vulvar cancer
  • non-small cell lung cancer
  • 基础细胞皮肤癌



  • remove warts, moles, birthmarks, and sun spots
  • 删除头发
  • lessen the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, or scars
  • 删除纹身


Some laser surgeries, such as cosmetic skin and eye surgeries, are considered elective surgeries. Some people decide the potential risks can outweigh the benefits of these types of surgeries. For example, some health or skin conditions may be aggravated by laser surgeries. As with typical surgery, poor overall health also increases your risk of complications.

Talk to your doctor before deciding to undergo laser surgery for any kind of operation. Based on your age, overall health, healthcare plan, and the cost of laser surgery, your doctor may recommend that you choose traditional surgical methods. For example, if you’re younger than 18 years, you should not get Lasik eye surgery.

计划ahead to ensure that you have time to recover after the operation. Also make sure someone can take you home from the procedure. You will likely still be under the influence of anesthesia or medications.

A few days before the surgery, you may be advised to take precautions such as stopping any medications that can affect blood clotting, such as blood thinners.

Laser therapy techniques vary based on the procedure.

如果接受治疗肿瘤,内窥镜(薄,lighted, flexible tube) may be used to direct the laser and view tissues inside the body. The endoscope is inserted through an opening in the body, such as the mouth. Then, the surgeon aims the laser and shrinks or destroys the tumor.



  • refractive eye surgery (often called LASIK)
  • tooth whitening
  • cosmetic scar, tattoo, or wrinkle removal
  • cataract or tumor removal

Read more: LASIK eye surgery »

Different lasers are used for different procedures. For example, carbon dioxide (CO2)激光使浅切割。它们通常用于浅表癌症,如皮肤癌。

Argon lasers also make shallow cuts and can be used to activate photosensitizing (light-activated) drugs during photodynamic therapy. This type of cancer treatment combines light with chemotherapy to kill more cancer cells.

Nd:YAG lasers can travel along optical fibers. They’re used in laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy, a type of cancer treatment.

Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is also called cold laser therapy. It uses laser light set to wavelengths between 600 and 980 nanometers. The laser is used to perform minor surgeries and promote regeneration in tissue. Programs exist that offer LLLT as an aid to quit smoking, but little evidence supports its use for this purpose.

Laser therapy has some risks. The risks for skin therapy include:

  • 流血的
  • 感染
  • 疤痕
  • changes in skin color

Also, the intended effects of treatment may not be permanent, so repeated sessions may be necessary.

Some laser surgery is performed while you’re under general anesthesia, which carries its own set of risks. They include:

  • pneumonia
  • 从操作中醒来后混淆
  • heart attack
  • 中风

治疗也可以是昂贵的,因此每个人都无法访问。激光眼科手术可以在任何地方花费$ 600到8,000美元or more based on your healthcare plan and the provider or facility you use for your surgery. The costs of laser skin therapies can range from $200 to over $3,400, according to the University of Michigan Cosmetic Dermatology & Laser Center.



People also tend to heal faster with laser operations. You may have less pain, swelling, and scarring than with traditional surgeries.


恢复after laser therapy varies based on the type of therapy you received and how much of your body was affected by the therapy.

You should follow any orders your doctor gives you very closely. For example, if you have laser prostate surgery, you may need to wear a urinary catheter. This can aid in urinating right after the surgery.


For the first couple of weeks after the treatment, be sure to do the following:

  • 使用过度抗衡的药物进行疼痛,例如布洛芬(Advil)或乙酰氨基酚(Tylenol)。
  • Clean the area regularly with water.
  • Apply ointments, such as petroleum jelly.
  • Use ice packs.
  • Avoid picking any scabs.

Once the area has become overgrown with new skin, you may use makeup or other cosmetics to cover up any noticeable redness if you’d like.