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Labyrinthitis is a disorder that causes inflammation in the inner ear. It can cause dizziness, nausea, vertigo, and loss of hearing.

迷宫炎是内耳障碍。他们俩vestibular nervesin yourinner ear把你的品牌ain information about your spatial navigation and balance control. When one of these nerves becomes inflamed, it creates a condition known as labyrinthitis.

症状包括头晕,nausea, 和听力丧失.Vertigo,另一种症状是一种头晕,即使您没有动弹,也以您的感动为标志。它可以干扰驾驶,工作和其他活动。药物和自助技术可以减轻眩晕的严重性。

几个因素可能导致这种情况,包括感染和病毒。您应该接受任何及时的治疗耳朵感染, but there’s no known way to prevent labyrinthitis.






You have an increased risk of developing labyrinthitis if you:

If you have symptoms of labyrinthitis, you should make an appointment to see your doctor to determine the cause. If you’re concerned about your labyrinthitis and don’t already have a primary care provider, you can view doctors in your area through the雷竞技app官网Healthline FindCare工具.

Certain symptoms can be signs of a more serious condition. Consider these symptoms to be an emergency and seek medical attention immediately:


Symptoms of labyrinthitis can mimic those of other conditions. Your doctor may order tests to rule them out. These conditions include:


Symptoms can be relieved with medications, including:

  • prescription antihistamines, such as desloratadine (Clarinex)
  • medications that can reduce dizziness and nausea, such as麦芽济(Antivert)
  • 镇静剂,例如diazepam(Valium)
  • 皮质类固醇,例如prednisone
  • over-the-counter antihistamines, such as fexofenadine (Allegra), diphenhydramine (Benadryl),或洛拉塔丁(Claritin)




  • 避免快速改变位置或突然移动。
  • Sit still during a vertigo attack.
  • Get up slowly from a lying down or seated position.
  • Avoid television, computer screens, and bright or flashing lights during a vertigo attack.
  • 如果眩晕在床上时发生,请尝试坐在椅子上并保持头部静止。低照明比黑暗或明亮的灯光更好。


Vertigo can interfere with your ability to operate a car or other machinery safely. You should make other arrangements until it’s safe to drive again.

In most cases, symptoms will resolve within one to three weeks, and you’ll experience a full recovery in a few months. In the meantime, symptoms such as vertigo and vomiting may interfere with your ability to work, drive, or participate fully in sports. Try to ease back into these activities slowly as you recover.


Most people only have a single episode of labyrinthitis. It rarely becomes a chronic condition.


