



  • 呼吸困难
  • trouble breathing
  • 不舒服的呼吸
  • 努力呼吸

The severity of labored breathing depends on its circumstances. For example, when exercising, you may temporarily experience labored breathing as a part of exerting yourself. Labored breathing lasts longer, and you can’t expect it to subside within a certain amount of time.



Just because labored breathing is a symptom of a chronic condition doesn’t mean it’s fine or normal.


Many of these causes of labored breathing represent medical emergencies.

Labored breathing can also be the result ofanxiety。Feeling panicked or scared can cause you tohyperventilate或很快呼吸。您可能难以呼吸,导致呼吸困难。




Other symptoms associated with labored breathing that need medical attention include:

  • 困难躺着
  • 感到迷失方向或困惑
  • gasping
  • wheezing when breathing

Children can also experience labored breathing. Symptoms that warrant immediate medical attention include:

  • breathing very quickly, especially faster than normal
  • 过度流口水或吞咽困难
  • 鼻子,嘴或指甲周围看起来蓝色或灰色的皮肤
  • 嘈杂,高呼吸的声音
  • 突然焦虑或疲劳

A doctor will first try to relate the labored breathing to a known cause. For example, if you have lung cancer or COPD, your labored breathing may likely be due to worsening of that condition.

Additional diagnostic tests that may help diagnose labored breathing include:

  • Physical exam你的医生会steth听你的肺oscope, count how fast you’re breathing, and look at your overall appearance.
  • Functional assessment。这可能包括看着您步行以了解自己的呼吸多么短。
  • Chest X-ray服用X射线会产生您的肺部图像,因此您的医生可以寻找任何潜在的障碍物,液体积聚或肺炎症状。
  • 计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描这为您体内的肺部和其他器官提供了详细的看法,以识别异常。
  • 血液测试。做一个完整的血数(CBC)测试可以确定您拥有多少个携带氧气的红细胞。动脉血液(ABG)测试是另一种血液检查,可以表明血液中存在多少氧气。


  • 管理呼吸治疗或药物以打开封闭的气道
  • applying oxygen therapy to increase the amount of available oxygen in the air
  • taking certain medications if you’re experiencing labored breathing due to anxiety
  • 使用呼吸机帮助您呼吸

If an underlying infection, such as pneumonia, is the cause, you’ll also be given antibiotics. In rare instances, surgery may be required to remove a tumor or other obstruction that may be affecting your ability to breathe.
