
Klebsiella催产症(ko)是几个人之一Klebsiella.bacteria. These bacteria are naturally found in the intestinal tract, mouth, and nose. They’re considered healthy gut bacteria inside your intestines. Outside the gut, however, these bacteria can cause serious infections.

KO is commonly spread in healthcare environments. These environments include nursing homes and intensive care units.

KO can cause a serious infection. One type of infection causes pneumonia-like symptoms. KO can also lead tourinary tract infections (UTIs), wound infections, and more. The type of bacteria and where it infects your body determines the symptoms you experience.


The symptoms of a KO infection will depend on the bacteria and the site where it entered your body.


  • 流感样症状
  • chills
  • 高烧
  • shortness of breath or shallow breathing
  • 咳嗽用粘液

Other symptoms of KO infection might include:

  • discharge from a wound
  • sudden increase in inflammation around a wound
  • pain when urinating
  • lower abdominal pain
  • chills
  • fever
  • vomiting


  • nursing homes
  • 医院
  • 重症监护单位

To get sick from these bacteria, you must be exposed directly to the germs. You can share the bacteria through person-to-person contact. You can even pick it up from a contaminated environment. KO is not spread through the air.




  • using long-term antibiotics
  • using medical devices, like a ventilator
  • 具有IV导管
  • 具有留置留置(尿液)导管管
  • havingdiabetes
  • having a problem with alcohol


有些人有ko感染的人需要额外的测试。这些测试可以帮助医生确定感染的高级程度。如果您已经开发了肺部感染或肺炎,您的医生可能会要求胸部X射线或CT scan。Both imaging tests can evaluate the severity of the lung infection. This will help your doctor know which treatments will be most effective.



In that case, your doctor will order specialized lab tests. These tests help your doctor identify what antibiotics or treatments can help destroy the bacteria and eliminate the infection.

Be sure to take the antibiotics you’re prescribed exactly as your doctor instructs. Don’t stop taking them before the entire dose is complete. If you don’t take all the medication, you run the risk of a reinfection or not eliminating the infection entirely.

Frequent hand-washing is the best way to prevent spreading the germs in your environment.


  • 如果您有抗生素的耐药菌株,请询问任何来到哪里戴着礼服和手套的访客
  • 经常洗手
  • 保持抗菌凝胶附近,问所有的医疗professionals who come into the room to use it


Likewise, people who have other infections, such as a bloodstream infection, may experience lengthy infections. Both can be treated, but the heavy dose of antibiotics required to treat the infections can have serious side effects for some people.

Long-term complications are not common. Some people may experience lung damage if the infection isn’t treated quickly. In rare cases, a KO infection can be deadly.



KO UTI或肾脏感染的症状就像任何其他类型的UTI一样。这些包括:

  • 高烧
  • chills
  • back pain
  • vomiting
  • 降低腹痛和痉挛
  • 痛苦的排尿
  • 血腥的尿液

Your outlook depends greatly on your health, where the infection began, and any complicating risk factors.


治疗may be difficult if the infection you have is resistant to antibiotics. Finding an antibiotic or medicine that will help eliminate the infection may take time.

Likewise, if you have a compromised immune system, treating the infection may be more difficult. You may experience greater complications, and recovery may be slower.

While you’re recovering and trying to treat the infection, be sure to practice good infection hygiene. Wash your hands regularly and take medication exactly as prescribed to have the best chance at treating the infection properly.