What is caliectasis?

卡氏症是一种影响您的钙的疾病肾脏. Your calyces are where urine collection begins. Each kidney has 6 to 10 calyces. They’re on the outer edges of your kidneys.

With caliectasis, the calyces become dilated and swollen with extra fluid. It’s usually caused by another condition that affects the kidneys, such as aurinary tract infections (UTI). The only way to detect caliectasis is through diagnostic testing. In fact, most people with caliectasis don’t know they have it until they’re tested for something else.

卡利氏症doesn’t cause any symptoms on its own. However, you may have symptoms related to the condition that’s causing it.

General symptoms of kidney problems include:

  • 尿液中的血液
  • abdominal pain or tenderness
  • trouble urinating
  • 增加小便的冲动
  • pus in your urine
  • foul-smelling urine


肾脏对于健康的身体至关重要。Read more about kidney health and kidney disease.


Next, they’ll likely use a diagnostic test, such as:

  • Cystoscopy.这个测试uses a camera that’s inserted through the urethra to look at your kidneys and bladder.
  • Ultrasound.Anabdominal ultrasound可以帮助识别肾脏中的额外液体或异物。
  • Urography.该测试同时使用CT scan并对比染料,以提供肾脏的视图。
  • Urinalysis.A测试of a urine sample.



  • antibiotics for infection
  • 去除肿瘤或肾结石的手术
  • nephrostomy tubes or catheters to drain urine

Left untreated, conditions that cause caliectasis can lead to complications, includingkidney failure. This happens when your kidneys are damaged beyond repair. Depending on the damage, you may need a肾脏移植或者dialysis.

卡利氏症related to a UTI or UTO may also increase your risk of developingkidney disease.

卡利氏症is almost always caused by an underlying problem related to your kidneys. Once this condition is treated, caliectasis usually goes away. It’s important to tell your doctor about your symptoms as soon as possible. Many of them can cause permanent kidney damage if left untreated.