肾脏疾病在ea很少提供任何迹象rly stages. It must be at a relatively advanced stage before any of the below symptoms appear.

The earliest sign of kidney disease is an atypical level ofcreatinineor urea in your blood. This leads to a condition calleduremia.

Abasic metabolic panel (BMP)is a blood test often ordered as part of a routine physical exam. The test allows healthcare providers to detect any atypical levels of these two chemicals.

Other than blood test results, a number of physical signs can indicate kidney disease.

Kidney function is closely tied to urine production. Concerning signs include urinating more or less frequently than normal, especially at night. People also experience:

  • pain or burning while urinating
  • a decrease in their amount of urine production
  • cloudy, foamy, or discolored urine

Blood in your urine is also known ashematuria. This can be a sign of several conditions and should be investigated immediately by your healthcare provider.

Your kidneys remove excess fluid from your blood. When this doesn’t occur, that fluid builds up in your body. This causes swelling in your:

  • ankles
  • legs
  • feet
  • hands
  • face

Swelling can also occur in your lungs. This can cause shortness of breath. Another sign is swelling or puffiness around your eyes.

You can feelkidney painin your back or sides, usually in the middle of your back just below your rib cage.

The buildup of waste products in your blood can cause a skin reaction, resulting in rashes or severe itching.

A secondary function of your kidneys is to help make red blood cells that carry oxygen all around your body.

A decrease in red blood cells is calledanemia. It causes:

  • tiredness
  • decreased stamina
  • sometimes dizziness or memory concerns

Fatigue brought on by kidney disease can also be caused by a buildup of metabolic waste in your blood.

A loss of appetite is common in people with advanced kidney disease. This may lead to undernutrition and weight loss.

People experiencing kidney disease should talk with a healthcare provider about finding foods that are appealing and provide nutrients.

Vomiting can occur when metabolic waste builds up in your blood, but people may feel nauseated at even the thought of eating.

Painful muscle cramps, specifically leg cramps, can also occur with kidney disease.

Kidney disease is a condition that can easily go unnoticed until the symptoms become severe. Including akidney function testas part of your regular checkup will help you and your doctor to address any potential underlying causes of kidney problems.