Kidney cancer is cancer that begins in the kidneys. According to the 美国癌症协会 ,这是影响男性和女人的10种最常见的癌症之一。


Below, we’ll cover more about chemotherapy, when it’s used for kidney cancer, and what it involves. Keep reading to discover more.

主要特征之一cancer cells是他们迅速成长和分裂。化学疗法uses drugs that target cells which are rapidly growing and dividing. Because of this, it can kill cancer cells or slow their growth.

大多数肾脏癌( about 90 percent )是一种称为癌症肾细胞癌(RCC)。您可能还会看到这种类型的肾癌称为肾细胞癌或肾细胞腺癌。

与许多其他类型的癌症不同,RCC中的癌细胞对化学疗法的反应不太好。此外,一些化学药物已经与kidney and bladder problemsas a potential side effect.


While doctors don’t use chemotherapy to treat RCC, it can be effective for some other, less common, types of kidney cancer. These include:

  • Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC).TCC始于排队的细胞,该区域称为肾脏骨盆,这是肾脏和输尿管相遇的地方。TCC单元通常类似于bladder cancer cells
  • Collecting duct carcinoma (CDC).CDC is an aggressive type of kidney cancer that starts in the collecting ducts, which collect urine from the kidneys and move it to the输尿管。It only causesup to 3 percent在所有肾脏癌中。
  • Renal medullary carcinoma (RMC).RMC mainly impacts individuals with镰状细胞特征。It’s very rare, accounting for小于0.5%of all kidney cancers, but is one of the most aggressive types of kidney cancer.
  • 威尔姆斯肿瘤。威尔姆斯肿瘤, also called nephroblastoma, are a type of kidney cancer that almost always impacts children.
  • 恶性胸腺肿瘤(MRT)。MRTs are a rare type of tumor made up of many large cells. The kidneys are a common area for them to develop. They’re most common in babies between the ages of 11 to 18 months

这re are some specific situations where doctors may use chemotherapy to treat RCC. This is typically when RCC is advanced and hasn’t responded to other types of treatment like immunotherapy or targeted therapy.

type of chemotherapy drug您将获得肾脏癌症的特定类型。医生可能用来治疗肾癌的某些类型的化学药物包括:



  • 甲氨蝶呤
  • 葡萄碱
  • 阿霉素
  • cisplatin


化学疗法that’s used to shrink a tumor prior to surgery is called neoadjuvant chemotherapy. When used to kill cancer cells that remain after surgery, it’s called辅助化疗


  • 毛囊
  • 嘴巴和消化道
  • 骨髓

这意味着化学疗法会导致多种副作用, such as:


化学疗法本身也会对您的身体产生长期影响。有些药物与long-term side effectsthat can last months, years, or for the rest of your life. Examples include:


  • specific chemotherapy drugs used
  • dose of chemotherapy
  • 治疗的时间

If your care team recommends chemotherapy for your kidney cancer, they can give you a better idea of what types of short- and long-term side effects to expect from chemo andhow to manage them

化学疗法最常给予用嘴in the form of a pill or capsule or into the bloodstreamvia IV

如果您通过IV接受化学疗法,则有可能catheter or port将暂时放置。在接受治疗时,这可以更轻松地进入体内大静脉。


It’s also possible for chemotherapy to be either inpatient or outpatient. Inpatient means that you’ll need to stay overnight at the hospital, while outpatient means that you can return home following your treatment session.

这outlook for kidney cancer can depend on many factors, such as:

  • the specific type of kidney cancer
  • the extent, or阶段,诊断时的肾癌
  • how the cancer responds to the recommended treatment
  • your age and overall health

According to the National Cancer Institute’s SEER program, the overall 5-year survival for kidney cancer is 75.6% 。This statistic can also be broken down further based on how far the cancer has spread:

  • Localized.仍然局限于肾脏的癌症的5年生存率为92.7%。
  • 区域。如果癌症已扩散到附近的淋巴结或组织,则5年生存率为71%。
  • Distant.当癌症扩散到更遥远的组织(转移)时,5年的存活率为13.9%。

Some of the types of kidney cancer treated with chemotherapy, such as CDC and RMC, are more aggressive and may not be diagnosed until they’ve become more advanced. This can make their outlook poorer.
