No, jaundice itself isn’t contagious




  • Hepatitis A。This disease is spread when a person who hasn’t had the hepatitis A vaccine eats food or water that’s contaminated with the feces of a person with hepatitis A. It’s more common in areas where there isn’t access to a quality water supply.
  • Hepatitis B。This infection type is transmitted through contact with blood or bodily fluids of an infected person. This can be transmitted via sexual contact as well as by sharing needles.
  • Hepatitis C。像乙型肝炎一样,丙型肝炎也可以通过共享针和性接触来传播。如果医疗保健提供者不小心用针对感染的人使用针头,他们也会处于危险之中。
  • Hepatitis D。This condition occurs when a person comes in contact with infected blood and already has the hepatitis B virus. A person can’t have hepatitis D if they don’t have hepatitis B.
  • Hepatitis E。Hepatitis E is transmitted through contaminated drinking water. However, it doesn’t usually cause a long-lasting or chronic infection.


  • 威尔病。这种情况是通过与污染的土壤或水接触,以及与患有该疾病的动物的其他组织接触的情况。
  • Yellow fever。这是一种病毒疾病,由蚊子传播,最常见于世界部分地区,例如非洲和南美。

While these two conditions are less common in the United States, it’s possible to get them when traveling in other countries.



According to theAmerican Academy of Family Physicians,有150种以上的药物会导致肝脏损伤足以产生黄疸。但是,拥有相同的遗传状况或服用相同的药物与彼此“捕获”黄疸的情况并不相同。



Clearly, this type of liver damage isn’t contagious. However, if excessive drinking is part of your social lifestyle, multiple people in your group of friends could, at least in theory, experience liver damage and jaundice as a result.


Jaundice is a condition that commonly occurs in新生儿。由于孩子的肝脏仍在发育,因此可能会发生这种情况,并且不能足够快地去除胆红素。同样,婴儿的红细胞翻转速度比成人快,因此他们的身体必须过滤较高的胆红素量。


Jaundice is a condition that results from excess bilirubin in the body. In addition to yellow-tinged skin and eyes, a person with jaundice can have symptoms such as itching, stomach pain, appetite loss, dark urine, or fever.

While jaundice itself isn’t contagious, it’s possible to transmit the underlying causes of jaundice to another person. This is the case for many viral hepatitis causes.

If you notice any yellowing of the skin or other symptoms of jaundice, contact your doctor right away. With treatment for the underlying cause, outlook is good.