What is psoriasis?


The faster life cycle of skin cells causes a variety of symptoms that you’ll see on your skin. These range from scaly, silvery lesions and red patches to areas of pus-filled sores.

Symptoms depend on thetype of psoriasis你有。逆牛皮癣是几种类型之一。

What is inverse psoriasis?

Inverse psoriasis, sometimes called hidden psoriasis or intertriginous psoriasis, is a form of psoriasis that affects skin folds. These are areas of your body where skin rubs against skin.

Inverse psoriasis can occur under your arms, under a woman’s breasts, or in the groin or inner thigh area.

具有逆牛皮癣的人通常也有另一种形式,就像plaque psoriasis,在身体的其他部分。虽然凸起的干燥病变干燥,鳞片状皮肤 - 斑块牛皮癣的关键标志 - 通常覆盖身体的大部分,逆牛皮癣往往出现在较小的斑块中。



你也有风险发展酵母菌感染in the skin folds due to the moist environment. The red lesions generally cover very large areas within your skin folds.


If you’ve got psoriasis and are overweight, you’re at a higher risk of also developing inverse psoriasis. That’s because extra body weight produces excess skin and deeper skin folds.

There are several different治疗方法可用于逆牛皮癣:


Topical creams, which are types of medication that you rub into your skin, are the first-line treatment method for inverse psoriasis.

The goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation and discomfort in these sensitive areas. Because the skin folds are so sensitive, medications must be used carefully.

Steroid creams can successfully reduce inflammation, but can also cause the skin to become thinner and more sensitive. If you’re prescribed a topical treatment, your doctor will monitor your progress and adjust the dosage if there are signs of skin thinning.

Topical medicines are usually used in the morning after you shower and once again before bedtime.





光疗法是一种中度至严重逆牛皮癣的人的治疗选择。光疗是医学术语light therapy

一种名为UVB紫外线effectively slow the growth of skin cells in some people with psoriasis.

Treatment with phototherapy involves using a light box that produces artificial UVB rays for a specified amount of time each session.

With phototherapy, your psoriasis might temporarily get worse before it gets better. Let your doctor know of any concerns about your rashes during light therapy treatment.

Systemic drugs

If your inverse psoriasis isn’t getting better with topical medications and phototherapy, your doctor might prescribesystemic drugs。These are medications taken either by mouth or injection.

一种类型的全身药物是一个生物学-a type of medication that changes the way your immune system works. Biologics use proteins to block the response of your immune system so it won’t attack your body as much.


Other systemic drugs that may be used aremethotrexateor环孢菌素(Sandimmune),适度免疫系统降低某些皮肤细胞的作用。



You can also powder your affected areas to absorb moisture with corn starch, baking soda, or zinc oxide.
