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With IV administration, a thin plastic tube called an IV catheter is inserted into your vein. The catheter allows your healthcare professional to give you multiple safe doses of medication without needing to poke you with a needle each time.

In most cases, you won’t give yourself an intravenous medication. While you can take some infusion medications yourself at home, you’ll likely receive your therapy from a healthcare professional.

Read on to learn about the two main tools used for IV administration — standard IV lines and central venous catheters — including why they’re used and what the risks are.

IV medication is often used because it helps control the medication dosing. For instance, in some situations, people must receive medication very quickly. This includes emergencies, like aheart attackstroke或中毒。在这些情况下,口服药丸或液体可能不会足够快,以使这些药物进入血液中。另一方面,IV管理迅速将药物直接送入血液中。



标准IV线路are typically used for short-term needs. For instance, they may be used during a short hospital stay to administer medication during surgery or to give pain medications, nausea medications, or antibiotics. A standard IV line can typically be used for up to 4 days.

With standard IV administration, a needle is usually inserted into a vein in your wrist, elbow, or the back of your hand. The catheter is then pushed over the needle. The needle is removed, and the catheter remains in your vein. All IV catheters are typically given in a hospital or clinic. Most of the time, the IV catheter will be left in place with a access cap and it is only accessed when needed.

A standard IV catheter is used for two kinds of IV medication administration:

IV push

一个IV “push” or “bolus” is a rapid injection of medication. A syringe is inserted into your catheter to quickly send a one-time dose of a drug into your bloodstream.

IV infusion

一个IV infusion is a controlled administration of medication into your bloodstream over time. The two main methods of IV infusion use either gravity or a pump to send medication into your catheter:

  • Pump infusion.In the United States, a pump infusion is the most common method used. The pump is attached to your IV line and sends medication and a solution, such as sterile saline, into your catheter in a slow, steady manner. Pumps may be used when the medication dosage must be precise and controlled.
  • Drip infusion.This method uses gravity to deliver a constant amount of medication over a set period of time. With a drip, the medication and solution drip from a bag through a tube and into your catheter.


CVCs can be used for a longer period of time than a standard IV line. A CVC can stay in place for several weeks or even months.

The three main types of CVCs include:



Tunneled catheter

With a tunneled catheter, medication can be sent directly into veins in your heart. One end of the catheter is placed into a vein in your neck or chest during a short surgical procedure. The rest of the catheter is tunneled through your body, with the other end coming out through your skin. Medications can then be given into that end of the catheter.



Many different types of medications can be given by IV. Some of the drugs more commonly given by this method include:

  • 化疗药物如多柔比星,血管素,顺铂和紫杉醇
  • 抗生素如万古霉素,梅洛涅姆和庆大霉素
  • 抗真菌药物如micafungin和两性统成因
  • pain relief medications such as hydromorphone and morphine
  • drugs for low blood pressure such as dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dobutamine
  • 免疫球蛋白药物(IVIG)

While IV medication use is generally safe, it can cause both mild and dangerous side effects. Medications given intravenously act on your body very quickly, so side effects, allergic reactions, and other effects can happen fast.

In a 2020 study of 450 patients, 176 (39.11%)外围IV展示位置至少有一个问题。在大多数情况下,医疗保健专业人员将在整个输液中观察您,有时以后的时间。IV副作用的例子包括:


Infection can occur at the injection site. To help prevent infection, the administration process must be done carefully using sterile (germ-free) equipment. An infection from the injection site can also travel into your bloodstream. This can cause a severe infection throughout your body.


Damage to veins and injection site

A vein can be damaged during injection or by the use of an IV catheter line. This can cause infiltration. When this occurs, medication leaks into surrounding tissue instead of going into your bloodstream. Infiltration can cause tissue damage.

IV administration can also cause静脉炎那or inflammation of your veins. A 2019 research review found that phlebitis occurred in31 percent患者。渗透和静脉炎的症状包括注射部位的温暖,疼痛和肿胀。如果您有任何这些症状,请立即打电话给您的医生。

Air embolism

如果空气进入注射器或IV药物袋,线路运行干燥,气泡可以进入静脉。然后这些气泡可以前往你的心脏或肺部并阻止血液流动。一个air embolismcan cause severe health concerns, such as heart attack or stroke.


IV therapy can cause blood clots to form. Clots can block important veins and cause health concerns such as tissue damage or even death.Deep vein thrombosisis one type of dangerous blood clot that IV treatment can cause.

IV drug administration is a fast, effective way to send medication into your bloodstream. If your doctor has prescribed it for you, they will likely explain the purpose and the process for your treatment. But if you have questions, be sure to ask. Your questions may include:

  • How long will I need to have my IV treatment?
  • Am I at a high risk of experiencing any side effects?
  • 我可以在家里收到我的IV药物吗?我可以把它交给自己吗?