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An intramuscular injection is a technique used to deliver a medication deep into the muscles. This allows the medication to be absorbed into the bloodstream quickly.


In some cases, a person may also self-administer an intramuscular injection. For example, certain drugs that treat多发性硬化症或者rheumatoid arthritismay require self-injection.

肌肉注射是现代医学中的常见实践。他们被用来输送毒品vaccines。Several drugs and almost all injectable vaccines are delivered this way.


  • 或者al (swallowed into the stomach)
  • 静脉注射(注入静脉)
  • 皮下(注入皮肤层的脂肪组织中)

Intramuscular injections may be used instead of intravenous injections because some drugs are irritating to veins or because a suitable vein cannot be located.


肌肉注射的吸收速度比皮下注射。This is because muscle tissue has a greater blood supply than the tissue just under your skin. Muscle tissue can also hold a larger volume of medication than subcutaneous tissue.



deltoid muscle是通常用于疫苗的站点。但是,该部位对于自我注射并不常见,因为它的小肌肉质量会限制可以注入的药物的体积 - 通常不超过1毫升。



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Divide the upper thigh into three equal parts. Locate the middle of these three sections. The injection should go into the outer top portion of this section.

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Ventrogluteal muscle of the hip


Place the heel of your hand on the hip of the person receiving the injection, with your fingers pointing toward their head. Position your fingers so your thumb points toward their groin and you feel the pelvis under your pinky finger. Spread your index and middle fingers in a slight V shape, and inject the needle into the middle of that V.

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Dorsogluteal muscles of the buttocks

dorsogluteal muscleof the buttocks was the site most commonly selected by healthcare professionals for many years. However, due to the potential for injury to the坐骨神经,最常使用腹侧肌肉。









Wash your hands with soap and warm water to prevent potential infection. Be sure to thoroughly scrub between your fingers, on the backs of your hands, and under your fingernails.

疾病控制与预防中心(CDC) recommends lathering for 20 seconds, which is the time it takes to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice.


Assemble the following supplies:

  • 针和注射器
  • 酒精垫
  • 纱布
  • puncture-resistant container to discard the used needles and syringe (typically a red, plastic sharps container)
  • 绷带


To isolate the muscle and target where you’ll place the injection, spread the skin at the injection site between two fingers.


4. Clean the injection site

清洁选定的注射现场alcohol swab并让皮肤干燥。

5. Prepare the syringe with medication

  • 卸下帽子。如果小瓶或笔是多糖,请记下何时首次打开小瓶。橡胶塞子应用酒精拭子清洁。
  • Draw air into the syringe.Draw back the plunger to fill the syringe with air up to the dose that you’ll be injecting. This is done because the vial is a vacuum and you need to add an equal amount of air to regulate the pressure. This also makes it easier to draw the medication into the syringe. If you forget this step, you can still get the medication out of the vial.
  • 将空气插入小瓶中。Remove the cap from the needle and push the needle through the rubber stopper at the top of the vial. Inject all of the air into the vial. Be careful to not touch the needle to keep it clean.
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  • Withdraw the medication.Turn the vial and syringe upside down so the needle points upward and pull back on the plunger to withdraw the correct amount of medication.
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  • 卸下气泡。Tap the syringe to push any bubbles to the top and gently depress the plunger to push the air bubbles out.
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7. Inject the medication

Push the plunger slowly to inject the medication into the muscle.






To minimize possible discomfort before your injection:

  • 涂冰或非处方局部麻木霜用酒精垫清洁注射地点。
  • 注射前让酒精完全干燥。否则,可能会导致刺痛。
  • 在将药物抽入注射器之前,通过在手之间擦拭药物来加热一瓶药。
  • 让您信任的人给您注射。有些人发现自己很难注射。


You may have some焦虑关于长针,尤其是进行注射,尤其是肌内注射。阅读几次步骤,直到您对程序感到满意并花点时间。

You can ask your doctor or pharmacist to go through the procedure with you beforehand. They’re more than willing to help you understand how to perform a safe, proper injection.