

When a single tumor grows in large milk ducts, it’s called a solitary intraductal papilloma. It’s typically felt as a small lump near the nipple, and it may cause nipple discharge or bleeding. This type of lump isn’t associated with a higher risk of breast cancer.

Read more: 6 Possible conditions that cause breast lumps »

导管远离你的乳头小,nd papillomas in this area typically manifest as clusters of little tumors. These tumors are called multiple papillomas, and they’ve been associated with a slightly higher risk of breast cancer. This is because multiple papillomas have been linked to a precancerous breast condition called atypical hyperplasia.

一种condition called papillomatosis is sometimes grouped in with intraductal papillomas. It develops when there’s an abnormal overgrowth of cells in your milk ducts. Papillomatosis is also associated with a higher risk ofbreast cancer

内部乳头瘤可导致乳腺增大,肿块和nipple discharge。Some people might also experience pain or discomfort in their breast.

一种n intraductal papilloma typically presents as one larger lump near your nipple or as multiple smaller lumps farther from your nipple. These lumps are normally 1 to 2 centimeters wide, but they can also be larger. The size of the lump depends on the size of the duct where it grows. Sometimes you won’t even be able to feel the lump.

The symptoms of intraductal papilloma are very similar to those of other types of breast tumors. It’s important to see your doctor if you see or feel a lump in your breast. Your doctor can address any concerns you may have and examine the lump to help make a diagnosis.

What if blood is coming from the breast of a breastfeeding mother? In early breastfeeding, when accompanied by sore and damaged nipples, this is probably due to a poor latch. Getting help with breastfeeding from a lactation consultant can solve this problem.




你的医生可能会推荐一个乳房超声波如果他们怀疑你有一个内部乳头瘤。这种成像测试在显示乳头瘤比标准比标准更有效乳房图。However, a mammogram will also be performed to check for any other types of abnormalities.



如果您有乳头卸货,您的医生可能需要做一个microscopic examination乳房放电寻找癌细胞。

一种导轨还可以帮助您的医生进行诊断。这是一种类型X-raythat helps determine the underlying cause of nipple discharge. During a ductogram, contrast dye is injected into your breast ducts so your doctor can view them in the X-rays more easily. Though this test may be used in some cases, it has largely been replaced by ultrasound.

Standard treatment for this condition involves surgery to remove the papilloma and the affected part of the milk duct. The surgery is typically done under general anesthesia, which means that you’ll be asleep during the procedure.



The outlook for people with intraductal papilloma is usually good once the papilloma is surgically removed. If you have multiple papillomas and you’re under age 35, you should speak with your doctor about the increased risk for breast cancer.

一种sk your doctor for information about support groups or counselors who can help you through the treatment process.

There’s no specific way to prevent intraductal papilloma. However, you can increase the likelihood of early detection by seeing your doctor regularly for breast exams, doing monthly breast self-exams, and having regular screening mammograms. You should also call your doctor if you have concerns about anything related to your breast health.

Read more: Breast self-exam »