Interstitial lung disease includes over 200 different conditions that cause inflammation and scarring around the balloon-like air sacs in your lungs, called the alveoli. Oxygen travels through the雅尔韦利进入你的血液。当他们伤痕累累时,这些囊可以尽可能地扩展。结果,较少的氧气进入了血液。

Other parts of your lungs can be affected too, such as the airways, lung lining, and blood vessels.

There are over 200 different types of interstitial lung disease. Some of these include :

  • Asbestosis:inflammation and scarring in the lungs caused by breathing in asbestos fibers
  • Bronchiolitis obliterans:a condition that causes blockages in the smallest airways of the lungs, called bronchioles
  • Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis:暴露于粉尘(也称为黑肺病)引起的肺病
  • 慢性矽肺:a lung disease caused by breathing in the mineral silica
  • Connective tissue-related pulmonary fibrosis:a lung disease that affects some people with connective tissue diseases, such asscleroderma要么Sjögren syndrome
  • 脱臼间质肺炎:a condition that causes肺炎and that is more common in people who smoke
  • Familial pulmonary fibrosis:a buildup of scar tissue in the lungs that affects two or more members of the same family
  • Hypersensitivity pneumonitis:inflammation of the alveoli caused by breathing in allergic substances or other irritants
  • Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis:a disease of unknown cause in which scar tissue develops throughout the lung tissue
  • Sarcoidosis:a disease that causes small clumps of inflammatory cells to form in organs such as the lungs and lymph glands

When you have interstitial lung disease, you can’t get enough oxygen into your blood. This can cause several symptoms, including :

Symptoms can range in severity and may be similar to those associated with other respiratory conditions or health problems.

See your doctor if you have trouble breathing or experience other severe symptoms. After a diagnosis, you can start treatments to manage the inflammation and scarring.

Many times, doctors can’t find the cause of interstitial lung disease. In these cases, the condition is called idiopathic interstitial lung disease.

Other causes of interstitial lung disease include medical conditions, use of some drugs, or exposure to toxic substances that damage your lungs. These causes of interstitial lung disease are grouped into three main categories:

Autoimmune diseases

你的身体的免疫系统攻击和 damages the lungs and other organs in these conditions:

  • Dermatomyositis:an inflammatory disease that causes muscle weakness and skin rash
  • Lupus:a condition in which the immune system attacks many types of tissue, including the skin, joints, and other organs
  • Mixed connective tissue disease:a condition that has symptoms of several connective tissue diseases, including polymyositis,lupus, and scleroderma
  • Polymyositis:条件,导致炎症的肌肉s
  • Vasculitis:inflammation and damage to blood vessels in the body
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: a disease in which the immune system attacks the joints, lungs, and other organs
  • 硬皮病: a group of diseases that cause the skin and connective tissue to thicken and tighten
  • Sjögren syndrome:a condition that causes joint pain, dry eyes, and dry mouth

Exposure to toxic substances

Exposure to the following substances at work or in the environment can 原因 lung scarring as well:

  • animal proteins, such as from birds
  • abestos fibers
  • coal dust
  • grain dust
  • mold
  • silica dust
  • tobacco smoke

Medication and drugs

In people who are susceptible, all of these drugs can damage the lungs:

  • antibiotics such as nitrofurantoin (Macrobid, Macrodantin) andsulfasalazine(Azulfidine)
  • anti-inflammatories such as aspirin,etanercept(Enbrel), andinfliximab(Remicade)
  • chemotherapy drugs such as azathioprine (Imuran), bleomycin,cyclophosphamide,methotrexate(Trexall), and vinblastine
  • 心脏病药物如胺碘酮(Cordarone, Nexterone, Pacerone)
  • drugs such as heroin and its treatment, methadone

治疗s can’t reverse lung scarring if it has already occurred, but they can prevent further scarring or slow down disease progression. If exposure to a toxic material or drug caused your interstitial lung disease, avoid that substance.

您的医生可以开出一些不同类型的治疗方法 manage interstitial lung disease:

  • Supplemental oxygenis currently recommended in the international guidelines for treatment, although no studies have proven its benefit. People report feeling less breathless with its use.
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation may help improve your activity levels and ability to exercise.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as the steroid prednisone, can reduce swelling in the lungs.
  • Immune-suppressing drugs, such asazathioprine(Imuran), cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), and mycophenolate mofetil (CellCept), may help stop the immune system attacks that damage the lungs.
  • Antifibrotic drugs such as pirfenidone (Esbriet) and nintedanib (Ovef) may prevent further scarring in the lungs. These drugs are bothapprovedby the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of idiopathicpulmonary fibrosis.

If your condition is severe and other treatments don’t help, the last resort is to have alung transplant.

通常,如果您的年轻人,建议使用这种手术 65 years , but in some cases you can be older. You can’t have other major health conditions, such as cancer, HIV, hepatitis B or C, or heart, kidney, orliver failure.


While you’re undergoing treatment, here are a few things you can do to stay healthy:

  • If you smoke, consider quitting.Smoking can damage your lungs even more.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet.Getting enough nutrients and calories is important, especially because this disease can make you lose weight.
  • Exercise.Using oxygen can help you stay active.
  • Get your vaccines for pneumonia, whooping cough, and flu.These infections can worsen your lung symptoms.

Interstitial lung disease can vary from person to person. Sometimes it progresses slowly and in other cases, it worsens quickly. Your symptoms can range from mild to severe.

一些间质性肺病具有比其他间质更好的预后。最常见的类型,称为特发性肺纤维化,可以具有有限的前景。目前有这种类型的人的平均生存 3 to 5 years . It can be longer with certain medications and depending on its course.


而肺移植可以改善你的年代urvival, future medications will likely offer the best solutions for most people.
