
You have hundreds of small bean-shaped lymph nodes throughout the body, including in your:

  • 脖子
  • 腋窝
  • 胸部
  • 腹部
  • 腹股沟

淋巴结肿大那also known as lymphadenitis, in the armpit indicate that your body is responding to an infection, injury, or a disease, like cancer. It’s important to keep in mind that in most cases, a swollen lymph node in the armpit isn’t typically a sign of cancer.

It’s not a symptom to dismiss, either, as it may be a sign of a condition that requires medical attention.



In addition to being swollen, an affected lymph node may also be sore or tender to the touch.

CT扫描显示腋下的淋巴结肿大 Share on Pinterest
Ahn,R.W.,Mootz,A. R.,Brewington,C. C.,&Abbara,S。
腋下淋巴结肿大 Share on Pinterest
淋巴结肿大in the armpit due to infection.
Casa Nayafana / Shuuterstock
腋下淋巴结肿胀 Share on Pinterest
Zay Nyi Nyi/Shutterstock

To check for a swollen lymph node in the armpit, lift your arm slightly and gently place your fingers into your armpit. Press your fingers against the center of the armpit and then around the front and back of the armpit along the chest wall. Do the same on the other side.

Lymph nodes exist in pairs on each side of the body, and typically only one node in a pair will be swollen. By comparing both sides, it may be a little easier to tell if one is enlarged.






More serious viral infections that may cause lymph node enlargement include疱疹风疹那和HIV

这些病毒也可能导致淋巴结在东北ck to become enlarged, too. In many cases, rest, fluids, and time are all that you can do while your immune system fights off the virus. For certain viral infections, likeHIV那antiviral medications may be necessary.



Immune system disorder

自身免疫性疾病的爆发,如狼疮rheumatoid arthritis那can cause temporary enlargement of the lymph nodes in an armpit. Treatments vary, depending on the cause, but anti-inflammatory medications, pain relievers, and in serious cases, immunosuppressant drugs may be necessary.



Cancers that form in other organs or tissue may spread to the lymphatic system.Breast cancer那for example, can cause swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpit.

癌症肿瘤附近的一个扩大的淋巴结通常怀疑也是癌症。Cancertreatments vary and may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, and other approaches.



  • ACE抑制剂,β受体阻滞剂和血管扩张剂以治疗高血压
  • anticonvulsant drugs, including phenytoin and primidone
  • anti-malarial drugs, including quinidine
  • uric acid reducers, like allopurinol

Switching medications or adjusting doses may be enough to reduce side effects like lymph node enlargement.

As your body starts to successfully fight off the infection, the swelling in your lymph nodes should start to diminish.

With a typical bacterial infection, for example, a course of antibiotics should start to relieve lymph node swelling and other symptoms within a few days. A stubborn viral infection could take longer.

If your other symptoms are subsiding, but your lymph nodes remain swollen, tell a health professional. You may need additional treatment or a follow-up exam to see if there are other reasons your lymph nodes are still enlarged.

Because swollen lymph nodes are more often signs of an infection, rather than cancer, you may be inclined to dismiss swelling as a temporary symptom that’ll subside as you get over your infection. In many cases, that’s exactly what will happen.


  • 无明显原因,一个或多个淋巴结肿胀肿胀。
  • 在2周或更长时间,肿胀持续或变得更糟。
  • The affected node feels hard and immovable when you press on it.
  • 肿胀的淋巴结不痛苦。
  • 您在单独的区域中淋巴淋巴结肿,如腋窝和腹股沟。
  • 你有其他症状,比如:

淋巴结肿大typically get better once your illness has been treated or goes away on its own. To support your immune system as it responds to the infection or illness, you can rest and drink plenty of fluids. If you are prescribed medication, be sure to take it according to the prescribing doctor’s instructions.




