Feeling feverish or hot may be one of the first signs of having a fever. However, it’s also possible to feel feverish但不运行实际温度。Underlying medical conditions, hormone fluctuations, and lifestyle may all contribute to these feelings.

虽然偶尔发烧的感觉不是necessarily a cause for concern, ongoing, or chronic, feelings of having a fever without an elevated body temperature could signify an undiagnosed medical condition.


What is considered a fever?

A fever被认为是A.体温这比你个人正常的高。平均体温或“正常”温度是98.6 degreesFahrenheit. However, some people may run slightly colder or hotter.

Running a fever is most commonly an indication that your body’s trying to fight an infection. While uncomfortable, a fever is an important mechanism for your bodyto fight off viruses和细菌。发热 can also be a sign of underlying inflammation in the body.





Feeling anxious may induce feverishness. While similar to a 心理或情绪发烧 ,焦虑会让你感到热烈,而不需要增加你的核心体温。

其他symptoms of anxietymay include:


Having eithertype 1 or type 2 diabetescan occasionally make you feel hotter than normal. You may especially notice these effects during morehot and humidmonths. This can be caused by

  • the way higher temperatures change your insulin
  • a higher vulnerability to dehydration, which can make you feel more thirsty
  • 你的汗腺变化可以使您的身体更加困难在更热的温度下


一种过度活性的甲状腺(hyperthyroidism)may lead to heat sensitivitydue to an influx of thyroid hormones in your bloodstream. Flushing and excessive sweating are also possible.


Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS)也可能在某些人身上引起热敏感性。起初,您可能会注意到模糊的愿景以及狂热。然而,热敏感性也会导致更多的神经损伤和随后的神经症状。

The most common symptoms of MS include:

Environmental and lifestyle causes

Your environmental and lifestyle habits may also play a role in making you feel feverish. Possibilities include:


中暑may cause:

心脏病, on the other hand, increases your body temperature to 103 degrees Fahrenheit or more within 15 minutes. This is a medical emergency that may result in the following symptoms:



感觉狂热的其他原因可能本质上是荷尔蒙,特别是在女性中。Hot flashesin both全身和更年期can make you feel hot and flushed, while also causing night sweats.

Pregnancy也可能让你感觉比正常更狂热,以及你的menstrual cycles


Treatments and home remedies


  • avoid going outside during the middle of the day when temperatures are the hottest
  • 确保室内温度很酷,并且尽可能运行粉丝
  • drink plenty of fluids
  • wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing
  • dress in layers
  • avoid alcohol and caffeine—these are both dehydrating, but may also worsen underlying medical conditions such as anxiety
  • limit spicy and hot foods

However, if you have a medical condition that’s causing you to feel feverish, you will need to treat the underlying cause. Examples include:

  • 抗焦虑用药和焦虑的行为疗法
  • checking your blood glucose and adjusting insulin as needed for diabetes
  • adjusting your thyroid medication
  • 在任何新的或恶化的神经系统症状看到你的医生



The bottom line


If you continue to feel feverish despite lifestyle adjustments, talk with a health professional for next steps.