


When germs get into the sensitive tissues beneath our skin via the cut, the cut may become infected. An infection can develop any time between two or three days after the cut occurred until it’s visibly healed.


An uninfected cut will gradually improve until it’s fully healed, while an infected cut becomes more painful over time.



  • 感染的发红传播到其他区域,通常是条纹。
  • 你有疼痛和痛苦或发烧
  • 您会感到一种普遍的感觉不适



确保您已经用肥皂和水洗了伤口,清除了任何可见的碎屑。防腐解决方案,例如hydrogen peroxide可以在第一天使用,但不超过一次。伤口清洁后,将其干燥并保持覆盖抗生素软膏,例如新孢蛋白,以及绷带until new skin has developed over the wound.

If the redness continues to spread or the cut begins to ooze pus, seek medical attention.

Don’t try to treat signs of infection in a large cut at home. Instead, see your doctor immediately for treatment.

如果你感染了削减不在家清理,then you may need antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. Some commonly prescribed antibiotics include:

The doctor will also clean your cut and apply an appropriate dressing. They may use a topical numbing agent before cleaning it to reduce pain.



In extremely rare cases, an untreated infected cut can develop intonecrotising fasciitis。This is more commonly known as the “flesh-eating disease.” It leaves large areas of the skin damaged and painful.


  • 类型1or2型糖尿病
  • 免疫系统弱,这可能是由于服用类固醇,具有化学疗法,或感染自身免疫性疾病,例如艾滋病病毒
  • 被一个动物或人类
  • being cut by a dirty object
  • 有一块导致伤口内部剩余的切割的东西
  • 有a cut that’s large and deep
  • 有锯齿状的切口
  • being an older adult (as skin doesn’t heal as well as people age)
  • 超重


Once you’ve cleaned the area, wait for it to dry, and then apply an antiseptic or antibiotic cream to help keep germs away. Cover the area with a clean dressing to further protect the cut.

Be sure to choose a suitable dressing. Use one that won’t stick to the cut. If you’re unsure about which type of dressing to use, you can ask your pharmacist.

Seek immediate medical attention if:

  • 您怀疑您的割伤内部可能有一个异物
  • 你不能停止流血
  • the cut is very large
  • 伤口是由动物或人咬伤引起的
