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Blistersform when your skin is injured. They tend to show up on your hands andfeet。工具或鞋子的摩擦会导致它们。水泡是您身体保护自己免受进一步损害的自然方式。液体的气泡会收集以缓冲伤口,并使皮肤在愈合的时间下。


Infected blisters are often painful. They can also be dangerous if left untreated. A bacterial, viral, or fungal infection that starts in your blister can spread to other areas. It can even result insepsis。This is a life-threatening infection of the bloodstream.


With clean hands, feel the area around the blister for signs of:

  • warmth
  • 臭味
  • pus
  • 疼痛
  • swelling
  • holes or peeling skin


If you suspect that your blister is infected, consult your doctor as soon as possible. There are many different things that can cause infections, so your doctor may perform a皮肤活检。In this procedure, your doctor takes a small tissue sample and analyzes it to determine its underlying cause.

Once your doctor has a better idea of what’s causing the infection, they might prescribe:

  • 口服或局部抗生素
  • oral or topical antifungal medications

They might also perform a quick in-office procedure to drain the blister. It’s very important that you leave this process to your doctor. Doing it on your own can make the infection worse or cause it to spread to nearby areas.


  • Clean the wound.在温水下运行该区域,然后用肥皂轻轻按摩。继续冲洗和洗涤三到五分钟。每天至少重复两次。
  • Soak the wound.将伤口浸入自制盐水溶液中。您可以通过在1杯温水中添加1茶匙盐来做到这一点。
  • 治疗伤口。洗了双手和伤口后,涂上局部抗生素软膏,例如新孢菌素或杆菌蛋白
  • 治疗疼痛。Take a非甾体类抗炎, 如布洛芬(Advil), to help reduce pain and swelling.

Shop for新孢菌素,,,,杆菌蛋白,,,,andAdvilonline.


在严重的情况下,受感染的水泡也会导致败血症。当您的免疫系统释放的某些化学物质触发体内链反应时,就会发生这种情况。最终,这可能导致败血性冲击。Septic shock is fatal about一半the time. However, most people recover from milder cases of sepsis.

It’s best to see your doctor about any infected blister in order to avoid complications, which can be very serious.

I you notice a red streak moving up your leg, go to the emergency room immediately. This is a sign of cellulitis. It requires immediate treatment to prevent it from spreading too far.

你也应该马上看医生或to urgent care if you have:

  • a fever
  • chills
  • body aches
  • 没有任何愈合迹象的水泡或酸痛

Blisters aren’t usually anything to worry about. Most heal on their own within one or two weeks. While most blisters never become infected, it can be a serious health concern when they do.

If you participate in a lot of activities that lead to friction blisters, consider keeping some antibiotic ointment on hand to reduce your risk of infection. Make sure to check in with your doctor at the first sign of an infection to avoid complications.