


Your thyroid works in tandem with your肾上腺。The adrenal glands, which are above your kidneys, can handle small amounts of stress well. When you encounter stress they release cortisol, which enhances various bodily functions.

最常见的甲状腺疾病是体内攻击其自身组织的自身免疫性疾病,在这种情况下为甲状腺。有两种类型,Graves’ diseaseor桥本的甲状腺炎




Lab tests cannot always depict the right picture of how you’re feeling, and medications cannot always keep up with the changes that stress causes. Chronic stress can cause problems in your body for years before lab tests show a problem.

All the while, you may experience hypothyroid symptoms, such as fatigue or weight gain. This prolonged stress may crop up as depression or anxiety when both are actually hypothyroid symptoms.

You can help your overall stress levels and thyroid health by making some simple changes in your daily life.




Think about vitamins

您可能需要考虑在日常工作中添加甲状腺支持的维生素和矿物质。一个碘缺陷甲状腺功能减退的可能是一个原因。除了, consider adding other essential vitamins and minerals, such as:

Talk to your doctor before starting these supplements.

Sleep well


Try adopting a strict bedtime and avoid technology in the hours before bed.Slowing downbefore you sleep allows the adrenal glands to lower the stress response and rest.



There are many ways to relax. For some people, making crafts helps to calm their bodies. For other people, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or simply being outside is enough.

You may not be able to remove all the stress from your life, but supporting your body with healthy foods, adding vitamins and minerals, sleeping properly, and trying some relaxation techniques can help you balance your overall health as well as your thyroid.