Almost 1 in 2 adults in the United States have high blood pressure, and more than 1 in 7 people have chronic kidney disease. The truth is that there’s a lot of overlap between these two groups.




高血压or high blood pressure occurs when the force of the blood pushing through your blood vessels is consistently too high.


高血压occurs slowly over a number of years. It can cause damage to organs like the heart, lungs, eyes, brain, and kidneys.

Most people with high blood pressure don’t have symptoms. But in some rare cases high blood pressure may cause headaches and dizziness. Because you may not notice any symptoms, it’s important to get regular blood pressure checks from your doctor.

高血压可能是肾脏疾病的结果,但也可能是肾脏疾病。In fact, high blood pressure is the second leading cause ofkidney failurediabetes

This is because hypertension can cause blood vessels to constrict. Eventually, this can weaken and damage vessels throughout the body and cause injury to organs.

如果肾脏血管受损,kidneys may not be able to fully function. This means that they may not remove all the fluids and extra waste from your body. Extra fluid in the blood can raise blood pressure even more. This can ultimately lead to kidney failure.

Much like hypertension, early kidney disease may not have symptoms. As it progresses, you may notice:

  • 浮肿或肿胀
  • muscle cramping
  • a lack of appetite
  • an inability to focus


Some lifestyle changes your doctor may suggest include:

  • eating a heart-healthy diet (one high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains)
  • 增加体育锻炼
  • 达到适中的体重
  • ceasing smoking, if you smoke
  • reducing alcohol consumption
  • starting a low-salt diet

Medication options for hypertension can include:

  • Beta-Blockers:这些使心脏跳动更慢,并减少每次节拍的血液流过身体的量。β受体阻滞剂can also block certain hormones that raise blood pressure.
  • 利尿剂:这些帮助减少体内额外的钠和液体,从而降低血压。
  • ACE抑制剂:Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors防止人体产生尽可能多的血管紧张素,这会导致血管狭窄和拧紧。
  • Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs):这些药物帮助阻断血管紧张素与受体结合,因此血管不会收紧。
  • Calcium channel blockers:这些阻止了一些钙进入心脏。这会导致较少的心跳。它们还可以帮助血管放松。
  • Alpha-2 agonists:这些药物impact the nerve impulses that cause blood vessels to tighten, helping them to relax.

这里有一些步骤你可以考虑taking to help lower your blood pressure:

  • 减轻压力:您可能需要在工作时间,活动甚至人际关系中进行更改。
  • 尝试缓慢,深,有节奏的呼吸:You may try meditation, yoga, or other practices that encourage slowing down and taking time to focus on your breathing.
  • 提前准备健康的零食:如果您已经切割了水果和蔬菜,那么您将不太可能拿到加工食品。
  • Sign-up for an exercise class or running group:Working out with friends can make it more fun and add accountability.

Two types of medications can help lower blood pressure and slow the progression of kidney disease: ACE inhibitors and ARBs.

  • ACE抑制剂help to prevent the body from producing as much angiotensin. This helps the blood vessels to relax.
  • 阿布斯keep angiotensin from binding with receptors. This can also help the blood vessels to relax. This is key to slowing the progression of kidney disease.

In addition to these medications, your healthcare professional may prescribe a diuretic to help the kidneys remove excess sodium and fluid from the body.


