

在50岁之前有重复流产和卒中的人有时会发现Hughes综合征是一个潜在的事业。据估计,Hughes综合征影响three to five timesas many women as men.

Though the cause of Hughes syndrome is unclear, researchers believe that diet, lifestyle, and genetics can all have an impact on developing the condition.


Other signs that you may have Hughes syndrome include:

有的人狼疮 may be more likely to have Hughes syndrome.

In rare cases, untreated Hughes syndrome can escalate if you have simultaneous clotting incidences throughout the body. This is called catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome, and it can cause serious damage to your organs as well as death.


Hughes综合征并没有直接从父母中掉,其他血液条件的方式hemophilia, can be. But having a family member with Hughes syndrome means that you’re more likely to develop the condition.

It’s possible that a gene connected to other autoimmune conditions also triggers Hughes syndrome. That would explain why people with this condition often have other自身免疫条件.

Havingcertain viral or bacterial infections, likeE. coli要么the parvovirus, may trigger Hughes syndrome to develop after the infection has cleared.Medication控制癫痫和口服避孕药,也可能在触发条件时发挥作用。

These environmental factorsmay also interact与生活方式因素 - 就像没有足够的运动和胆固醇吃饮食 - 并触发休斯综合征。

But children and adults without any of these infections, lifestyle factors, or medication use can still get Hughes syndrome at any time.

More studies are needed to sort out the causes of Hughes syndrome.

Hughes syndrome is diagnosed through a series of blood tests. These blood tests analyze the antibodies that your immune cells make to see if they behave normally or if they target other healthy cells.


Hughes综合征可以被误诊为multiple sclerosisbecause the two conditions have similar symptoms. Thorough testing should determine your correct diagnosis, but it can take some time.

Hughes综合征可能会被治疗blood thinners(medication that reduces your risk of blood clots).


Anticoagulant medications, like warfarin (Coumadin) may be prescribed, especially if you have a history of深静脉血栓形成.

If you’re trying to carry a pregnancy to term and have Hughes syndrome, you may be prescribed a low-dose aspirin or a daily dose of the blood thinner heparin.

Women with Hughes syndrome are80 percent more likelyto carry a baby to term if they’re diagnosed and start a simple treatment.





Getting regular exercise can also be a part of managing your condition. Avoid smoking and maintain a healthy weight for your body type to keep your heart and veins strong and more resistant to damage.

For most people with Hughes syndrome, signs and symptoms can be managed with blood thinners and anticoagulant medications.



If you have had any of the following, speak with your doctor about getting tested for Hughes syndrome:

  • more than one confirmed blood clots that caused complications
  • one or more miscarriages after the 10th week of pregnancy
  • 三个或更多早期流产的削减ester of pregnancy