
而且,如果面部面具确实屏蔽了你的传染病,如新冠肺炎, is there a proper way to put them on, take them off, and discard them? Keep reading to find out.


A properly worn three-ply surgical mask may help block transmission of large-particle microorganisms from droplets, sprays, splatters, and splashes. The mask may also reduce the likelihood ofhand-to-face contact.

The surgical mask’s three-ply layers work as follows:

  • 外层排斥水,血液和其他体液。
  • The middle layerfilters certain pathogens.
  • The inner layer吸收呼出空气的水分和汗水。

However, the edges of surgical masks don’t form a tight seal around your nose or mouth. Therefore, they can’t filter out small airborne particles such as those transmitted by coughing or sneezing.

The 世界卫生组织(世卫组织) 仅推荐使用外科口罩如果您的话:

  • 有一个发烧,咳嗽, 或其他呼吸系统症状
  • are well but caring for someone with a respiratory illness — in this case, wear a mask when you’re within 6 feet or closer to the person who is ill


  • 不要过滤掉小型空气颗粒
  • 不要紧紧贴在脸上,所以空中颗粒可以通过面具的侧面泄漏

Some studies have failed to show that surgical masks effectively prevent exposure to infectious diseases in community or public settings.

目前, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) doesn’t recommend that the general public wear surgical masks or N95 respirators to protect from respiratory illnesses like COVID-19. Healthcare providers and first responders need these supplies, and there’s currently a shortage of them.

然而,在Covid-19的情况下,CDC确实建议公众佩戴布脸覆盖物以防止疾病的传播。CDC也是 provides instructions 关于如何制作自己的。




N95 respirators形成为脸部的尺寸和形状。因为它们更紧贴你的脸,所以空气颗粒围绕面膜侧面泄漏的机会较少。

N95S也可以滤除小型空气颗粒 more effectively .


A properly fitted N95 respirator usually filtrates pathogens in the air much better than a surgical mask. Respirators that have been carefully tested and certified to carry the N95 designation can block up to 95% of tiny (0.3 micron) test particles. But they also have their limitations.

However, the 食品和药物管理局(FDA) 不建议一般公众使用N95呼吸器保护自己免受Covid-19等呼吸系统疾病。如果没有舒适的佩戴,它们无法过滤出造成疾病的小型空气颗粒。


结果的结果 2016 systematic review 在医疗工作者使用时,N95呼吸器和手术口罩之间发现没有显着差异,以防止在临床环境中传播急性呼吸道感染。

A recent2019年随机临床试验published in the journal JAMA supported these findings.


To reduce your risk of transmitting the virus, or coming into contact with it, the WHO 建议以下内容:

  • 练习良好的手工卫生一次用肥皂和水洗手,一次至少20秒。
  • 使用消毒洗手液至少包含 60%的酒精 if you don’t have access to soap and water.
  • 避免触摸你的脸,嘴和眼睛。
  • 保持安全距离from others. The 疾病预防控制中心 建议至少6英尺。
  • 避免公共场所until you recover fully.
  • 呆在家里和休息。



Although face masks may help reduce the spread of some disease-causing organisms, evidence suggests that using face masks may not always protect you or others from exposure to certain pathogens.
