
Some people use mouthwash to fight against口臭,而其他人用它试图防止蛀牙。

Mouthwash doesn’t replace刷牙要么flossingin terms of oral hygiene, and it’s only effective when used correctly. It’s also important to understand that different product formulas contain different ingredients, and not all mouthwashes can strengthen your teeth.






If you’re brushing with fluoride toothpaste, wait a while before using mouthwash. The mouthwash can wash away the concentrated fluoride in the toothpaste.





While you’re rinsing, gargle for 30 seconds. You may want to set a watch or try to count to 30 in your head.

4. Spit it out

Spit the mouthwash out into the sink.



For best results, teeth should be freshly cleaned before using use mouthwash.

It bears repeating that mouthwash isn’t a replacement for brushing and flossing. It’s also not necessary to use mouthwash in order to keep your mouth clean. Most mouthwash products recommend that you use them twice per day, after brushing and flossing.

每种漱口水中的成分略有不同 - 不同的产品,适用于不同的目的。

Research 表明漱口水确实有助于防止斑块和牙龈炎。But since formulas differ greatly and using mouthwash is tied closely to a good oral hygiene routine in general, it’s hard to definitively say how much it helps or which formula is best.

A 2010 study 在苏格兰发现,每日使用漱口水的人的高百分比人们使用它来治疗口香糖,口腔溃疡或肿胀的牙龈症状。

Mouthwash kills bacteria by using antiseptic ingredients like alcohol,menthol, 和桉树。These ingredients get into the crevices between your teeth and hard-to-reach places like the very back of your mouth, killing the filmy bacteria that can collect there.

They can feel slightly harsh and sting a bit when you taste them. That’s why mouthwash sometimes stings when you use it.

Certain oral rinses also claim to make your tooth enamel stronger by includingfluoride。在一个 2007年的研究 of school-aged children, oral rinses with added fluoride brought down the number of cavities by more than 50 percent compared with children who didn’t use mouthwash.



漱口水通常含有大量的酒精和氟化物。这两种成分都不应以大量摄取,特别是由儿童摄取。出于这个原因,美国牙科协会doesn’t recommend mouthwash for children under the age of 6.

Adults shouldn’t make it a habit of swallowing mouthwash, either.


Sores in your mouth can be caused by underlying health issues, and dousing those sores with fluoride and antiseptic could be doing more harm than good.


If you have recurrent bad breath or suspect that you have牙龈疾病, mouthwash alone can’t cure the underlying causes. Speak to a dentist about any concerns you have about chronic or ongoing oral health conditions.