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Why does skin start to peel?


In less common cases, peeling skin can be a sign of an immune system disorder or other illness. If your peeling skin isn’t caused by a sunburn, talk to your healthcare provider before trying home remedies.


Here are some treatment methods and tips to stop the peeling once it’s started.

Take an在柜台上(OTC)疼痛缓解such asibuprofen(Advil) oraspirin(Bayer).

These medications work to reduce the inflammation and发红围绕着你的晒伤。他们也可以减少疼痛associated with having a sunburn.

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Apply a topical anti-inflammatory cream to your sunburn, such asaloe vera要么可可子霜.

Or — as long as you aren’t对阿司匹林过敏— crush up a few aspirin tablets into a fine powder and add just enough water until it forms a goopy paste. Apply this to the areas of your body affected by sunburn.

Avoid petroleum-based or other oil-based creams as these may trap heat and make your sunburn and peeling even worse.


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Avoid showering if your skin isblistered除了剥皮,淋浴可能会弹出你的水泡并引发更多的剥离。

Do not use soaps or bath oils when you bathe. These can make your peeling worse.

Avoid rubbing your skin with a towel after you bathe. This can make peeling worse. Instead, pat your skin dry with a towel.

Place acool, wet compresson your skin for 20 to 30 minutes to soothe irritation and stop peeling.


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Make sure you keep your skin hydrated by consumingat least eight 8-ounce glasses of clear liquidsa day while you recover from your sunburn. This will help reduce peeling.

Protect your peeling skin from further damage by keeping it covered with clothing or a very thin layer of sunscreen with anSPFof 45 or higher.

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在大多数情况下,在你被烧毁后,你的皮肤将开始大约三天剥离。剥皮通常会停止烧伤愈合 - 大约七天以获得暖和烧伤。

It’s important to monitor your sunburn for signs of a severe burn, including:

Sunburns of this severity require medical attention.

Sunburns — even ones that aren’t severe — can cause severe damage to your skin. Sunburns substantially increase your chances of possibly deadly皮肤癌并让您处于过早老龄化的风险。

Always protect your skin with clothing or防晒霜and avoid direct sun exposure by spending time outside when the sun is lowest in the sky — in the early morning and evening.