
Though it may be unpleasant for you and those around you,是一种完全自然的方法,可以摆脱饮食期间吞咽的空气。它也被称为Belching或刺激。

Burping keeps your stomach from expanding too much from swallowed air. The air travels back up the esophagus, leading to an audible release that most people call a burp.

You might swallow air when you:

  • eat or drink too quickly
  • 喝碳酸饮料
  • breathe rapidly

Foods high in starch, sugar, or fiber and issues with digestion or heartburn could also be to blame.

You can treat a burping episode with a few simple tricks. If gas, bloating, and burping interfere with your day often, though, it’s a good idea to see a doctor.

Burping usually starts after you eat or drink. If you’re burping a lot after a meal, you can try the following treatments to help your stomach release the excess air:

  • Walk around or do light aerobics吃完饭后。体育活动有助于消化。
  • Lie on your sideor try a膝盖至胸的位置like the风姿势直到气体通过。
  • Take an抗酸to neutralize stomach acid and preventheartburn,这可能会导致打bur。二甲状腺素(Pepto-Bismol)如果您的burps特别有用smell like sulfur
  • 服用抗气体药物simethicone((Gas-X). It works by binding gas bubbles together so you have more productive burps.
  • Drink ginger tea吃完饭后。Gingermay help relieve gastrointestinal irritation and prevent stomach acid from flowing back up the esophagus.
  • Chew fennel seedsafter your meals. Though not backed by research,茴香被认为可以帮助从肠道上排出气体并有助于消化。
  • ip饮chamomile tea。It’s believed to help prevent acid reflux.
  • Limit activitiesthat cause you to swallow air quickly, like laughing and drinking too quickly.

You can lessen your burping episodes by finding ways to reduce how much air you swallow.


Here are some tips to consider to prevent swallowing so much air:

  • 慢慢吃饭。
  • Don’t talk while you chew.
  • 不要使用吸管。
  • 吃较小的部分。

Modify your diet

一个void carbonated drinks, including beer. Carbon dioxide gas can cause bloating and burping.


Cut back on foods high in starch, sugar, or fiber, which cause gas. Common foods include:

  • lentils
  • 西兰花
  • 洋葱
  • cabbage
  • cauliflower
  • 全麦面包
  • 香蕉
  • sugar alcohols (sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol)

一个void dairy if you’relactose intolerant。Steer clear of foods that might cause heartburn, like:

  • 咖啡因
  • tomatoes
  • citrus
  • 酒精

Make a few lifestyle changes

Stop smoking. While you inhale cigarette smoke, you’re also swallowing air.戒烟can be difficult, but a doctor can help you come up with a smoking cessation plan right for you.


减少stress。Excess tension can cause you to swallow air and also lead to heartburn, which can increase burping. Periods of anxiety can also cause过度换气。这会让您吞咽更多的空气。

请客stuffy nosewith a decongestant, like pseudoephedrine (Sudafed), or a saline spray.鼻充血and sinus congestion caused by the common cold, allergies, or asinus infectioncan make you swallow more air.



In one small pilotstudy,有五名患有慢性打bur的参与者被告知要缓慢而diap骨,躺着时,嘴巴略微ajar。然后他们坐起来也这样做。研究人员发现,这种行为疗法完全治愈了打击。

Burping is a part of life, but it’s considered a problem when the symptoms become frequent and interfere with social situations. Excessive burping can be a sign of a more serious medical condition.

Nevertheless, peoplerarely consult their doctorabout burping.

Though it’ll usually be accompanied by other symptoms, excessive burping could be a symptom of the following underlying conditions:


胃灼热是gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD),但是buring也是一种相当普遍的症状。GERD是一种导致胃中酸向上流入食道的疾病。

Other symptoms of GERD include:

  • sour taste in the mouth
  • difficulty swallowing
  • 反流
  • a feeling of excessive fullness

Helicobacter pylori

一个bacterium calledHelicobacter pylori((幽门螺杆菌)是最常见的原因胃溃疡。The bacteria penetrate the mucous lining of the stomach, making the stomach cells more vulnerable to acids. Eventually, an ulcer can form in the stomach, esophagus, or intestine.


  • gnawing stomach pain
  • 恶心
  • heartburn
  • 腹胀

治疗涉及抗生素和质子泵抑制剂(PPI)to reduce the amount of acid your stomach produces.



The most common symptoms of gastritis are:

  • 打and hiccups
  • 恶心
  • vomiting
  • 上腹部充实的感觉
  • 消化不良

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

肠易激综合症is a chronic digestive condition. It’s characterized by a group of intestinal symptoms that typically occur together. These symptoms vary from person to person.

For some people, excessive burping is a symptom of IBS.


  • 腹部绞痛和疼痛
  • 腹胀
  • 便秘和腹泻的交替发作


Many people with IBS find relief withdietary changes

Lactose intolerance

People who are lactose intolerant don’t have enough of an enzyme needed to digest the lactose found in milk and dairy products.

When people with lactose intolerance drink milk or consume other dairy products, the undigested lactose moves into the intestine and interacts with bacteria. This can cause symptoms such as:

  • 腹胀
  • gas
  • diarrhea

If you’re lactose intolerant and still want to consume dairy, you can try taking a lactase supplement to aid in digestion.




  • excessive burping
  • heartburn
  • 麻烦吞咽
  • chest pain


Burping can be minimized with a few simple lifestyle and dietary changes. A few burps after a meal are normal, but certain habits or conditions can make you burp a lot more than that.

Swallowing too much air is the simplest explanation for burping. But see a doctor if your burping is uncontrollable or accompanied by stomach pain or chronic heartburn.