While several factors contribute to discolored teeth, nicotine is one reason teeth can change color over time.


Yes, smoking or using chewing tobacco products can make theenamel of your teeth more likely to stain。一旦您开始使用尼古丁产品,您的牙齿就不需要淡黄色外观。

After chronic use of these products, it’s not uncommon for your teeth to turn darker or begin to look brown.

The appearance of stained teeth isnot the only problem使用尼古丁产品。你的牙龈也可以从反复接触尼古丁那里搏动。

If you smoke, there’s a good chance your immune system is not as strong as it should be. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),这使得难以战斗gum infection

与非商民相比,吸烟者的风险是两倍gum disease。Plus, the CDC also points out that if you continue smoking while dealing with gum damage, you’ll find it harder for your gums to heal.

到那个时刻tackling thestains on your teeth, the method you choose depends on several factors, including:

  • the severity of the stains
  • how much you want to spend
  • how often you want to treat your teeth

That said, there are three general categories of teeth whitening options to choose from. These include:

  • 牙齿美白专业
  • 在家庭治疗
  • 做你自己(DIY)补救措施

Due to the number of teeth whitening options to choose from, we spoke to three dentists from dental practices in different parts of the country to get their take.


Since smoke deeply stains every tooth in the mouth,Dr. Lana Rozenbergsays, you won’t be able to keep your teeth white for very long with over-the-counter products such as toothpastes or whitening strips. That’s why smokers generally rely on the professional services of dentists.




最有效的待遇选项说克里斯托弗博士罗斯is 10% carbamide peroxide in a tray custom-fit for your mouth and teeth. “This method creates a lower amount of tooth sensitivity, conditions the tissue, and allows a longer contact time with the tooth (overnight wear) which allows the material to bleach deep intrinsic stains,” he explains.


Typically, Rozenberg says in-office whitening procedures can last up to three years, but in smokers, they generally only last about one year.


You can find over-the-counter teeth whitening products at most drug stores and pharmacies. They generally come in the form of teeth whitening gels, strips, or bleaches, which are applied with teeth trays. Rozenberg says these products are very effective for getting rid of smoking stains.

However, she does recommend using gels and bleaches sparingly.

“Products like Crest Strips are okay to use on a regular basis, just make sure to follow instructions because they can cause tooth sensitives and gum irritation if used in excess and worn for too long at a time,” she explains.


另外,修复如冠、馅料和veneers will not change colors with bleaching. That’s why Rouse says you should be aware of dental work that may need to be redone after bleaching if it creates an aesthetic concern.

Also, the use of super-concentrated solutions of bleaching material tends to increase sensitivity. If left touching gum tissue, Rouse says they can cause a chemical burn. While these burns are reversible and cause no damage to the tooth structure, he does point out that the feeling is very uncomfortable.

To avoid this, he says combining a well-made custom delivery system with the proper concentrations of material can help you avoid discomfort.

小苏打和过氧化物。Rozenberg says brushing your teeth with baking soda and a few drops of peroxide can help whiten your teeth. She recommends adding a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to baking soda until it creates a paste. Then, use the paste like you would a commercial toothpaste.

“The addition of hydrogen peroxide whitens your teeth even more than baking soda alone,” she explains. Before you try this method,Dr. Natalie Pennington, ofDentistry.com据说要注意你如何制作糊状物,而不是使它太磨损,或者可能导致牙齿损坏。她的建议是涂抹糊状物并轻轻揉成珐琅30秒。

Brush after smoking.如果你要继续吸烟,Pennington表示您需要积极主动地保持牙齿的白色。“这包括吸烟后刷牙,快速去除焦油和化学物质,可以嵌入珐琅质,导致污渍,”她解释道。

Mouthwash and brush.另一种营造出闪亮的牙齿的方法,说罗斯贝格是为了在嘴里漱口,然后开始刷牙,把刷子推过去你的闭合嘴唇。基本上,你用漱口水刷牙。

用过氧化氢冲洗。Rozenberg says you can dilute a small amount (less than an ounce) ofhydrogen peroxide with water,冲洗嘴,经过几秒钟,吐出来,用水彻底冲洗。“这种解决方案是一种简单的方式来减轻黄色污渍,”她解释道。

If you’re a smoker or use other nicotine products, you need to be diligent about your oral hygiene, especially if you want to minimize or remove the stains on your teeth.
