如果您最近gotten rid of blackheads或对他们有专业的治疗,您可能想知道如何防止他们回来。


What are blackheads, again?


A general skin care routine follows two essential steps: gentle cleansing and moisturizing.


  • When:During the cleansing or moisturizing step of your routine.
  • 如何:作为清洁剂或保湿剂的一部分,直接涂在皮肤上,或作为黑头杂志的现场处理。
  • 多常:如果您的皮肤没有干燥或烦恼,则每周几次或每天几次。


Neutrogena Stubborn Blackheads™ Daily Serum在缩小毛孔的外观时,被配制为明显清除顽固的黑头。在临床上也证明了无香精的低过敏性血清可以治疗痤疮并有助于减少突破。

  • When:At night. Wait at least 20 to 25 minutes after washing your face before applying.
  • 如何:涂抹豌豆大小的类视黄粒,并分布在容易痤疮的区域上。
  • 多常:Every night if possible, but if dryness or irritation happens, it can be used every other night or every three nights.

Retinoids维生素A是抗衰老护肤产品中常用的衍生物。但是,话题类视黄素are the first-line treatment for treating and preventing blackheads.

类视视视网想来通过解开阻塞毛孔并影响皮肤细胞生长来起作用,这有助于防止痤疮形成。Retinoids should be an essential part of your skin regimen.


Be aware that retinoids increase UV light sensitivity and can cause an increased risk of sunburn. Take extra care to protect yourself from the sun when using topical retinoids.


  • When:在早晨和晚上。
  • 如何:Apply a few drops of your moisturizer and massage directly into the skin.
  • 多常:Daily.


Emollients are moisturizers that are thick and hydrating for dry skin that flakes or peels. Hydrating serums are a great way to rehydrate the skin, especially when left on overnight. For oily skin types, lighter lotions can help make the skin feel less oily.

A good保湿霜将有助于平静皮肤并恢复保护性皮肤屏障,从而促进健康的皮肤。

喜剧产物会导致毛孔堵塞,这可能会导致痤疮斑点(例如黑头)增加。如果您想防止黑头返回,请使用非促进性, oil-free products in your skin care routine.



  • When:在您的日常工作的剥落步骤之后。
  • 如何:Follow the product instructions to apply your mask and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing.
  • 多常:1 to 2 times per week.


Both木炭和粘土面具are said to work to prevent the formation of blackheads by pulling oil and other impurities out of your pores. However, these types of masks can dry out your skin. At most, you should use them only a few times per week.

Keep in mind that the evidence supporting the use of these face masks for any kind of acne is anecdotal. It’s also possible that you may break out worse from using some of these masks or develop a rash, so take precaution.

Here’s a sample weekly routine that’s also great for sensitive skin. It keeps gentle cleansing and moisturizing at its base.


  • gentle cleanser and moisturizer with SPF in the morning
  • 白天需要的无油保湿霜
  • 晚上温和清洁剂
  • 晚上类视黄素


  • gentle cleanser and moisturizer with SPF in the morning
  • 白天需要根据需要重新抗化
  • 晚上用4%苯甲酰二氧化苯甲酰或4%水杨酸清洁剂
  • 晚上皮肤血清


  • gentle cleanser and moisturizer with SPF in the morning
  • 白天需要根据需要重新抗化
  • 晚上温和清洁剂
  • 晚上类视黄素


  • gentle cleanser and moisturizer with SPF in the morning
  • 白天需要根据需要重新抗化
  • cleanser with 4% benzoyl peroxide or4% salicylic acid at night
  • 晚上皮肤血清


  • gentle cleanser and moisturizer with SPF in the morning
  • 白天需要根据需要重新抗化
  • 晚上温和清洁剂
  • 晚上类视黄素


  • gentle cleanser and moisturizer with SPF in the morning
  • 白天需要根据需要重新抗化
  • cleanser with 4% benzoyl peroxide or4% salicylic acid at night
  • 晚上皮肤血清


  • gentle cleanser and moisturizer with SPF in the morning
  • 白天需要根据需要重新抗化
  • 晚上温和清洁剂
  • 晚上类视黄素



  • 避免完全使用过氧化苯甲酰或水杨酸清洗
  • 使用频率较低或持续时间较短

Blackheads can form easily from oil and skin cell buildup, and it can be frustrating to keep them at bay. Adding a few extra steps to your skin care routine can help prevent blackheads from coming back.

Once you have your basic skin care routine down, consider adding the steps above into your weekly routine. All these steps are beneficial in keeping you as acne-free as possible, which can prevent blackheads from forming and allow your skin to remain clean and glowing.