Why do people numb their skin?


  • 减轻目前的痛苦
  • in anticipation of future pain

The primary causes of pain from which you may want to temporarily numb your skin include:

  • Sunburn.sunburn, your skin is burned from overexposure to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation.
  • 皮炎。Your skin’sinflamed接触与刺激它或导致过敏反应的物质接触后。
  • Skin injury.Your skin’s injured but not penetrated to the point blood appears.

Reasons you might want your skin temporarily numbed to prepare for future pain are:

  • medical procedures such as getting stitches to close a wound and before you undergo a skin surface procedure such asdermabrasion
  • cosmetic procedures such as ear piercing,tattooing, and hair removal procedures, such aswaxing

对于局部麻木和疼痛控制,医生通常使用local anesthetics由美国食品和药物管理局批准。其中许多也可用于家庭使用的过度强度:

  • 利多卡因(Dermoplast,Lidorx,Lidoderm)
  • 苯陶(Solarcaine,Dermoplast,Lanacane)
  • pramoxine (Sarna Sensitive, Proctofoam, Prax)
  • dibucaine(Nupercainal,etrecacaine)
  • tetracaine (Ametop Gel, Pontocaine, Viractin)

There are number of natural products that can effectively numb your skin to relieve pain or to prepare for anticipated pain, including:

  • 冰。An ice pack orcold compress可以麻痹轻伤的痛苦,sunburn, and other conditions. Ice can also numb your skin prior to a procedure such as an ear piercing.
  • Patting.Patting your skin sharply a few times can have a very short-lived numbing effect.
  • Aloe vera.The gel fromaloe veraleaves can ease the pain of sunburn and other skin injuries.
  • Clove oil.这可以将其施用于皮肤作为疼痛的相机early research表明它可以与苯会对类似地对皮肤作用。
  • Plantain.用植物制作的新鲜痘痘 - 杂草,而不是水果 - 可能在抚慰皮肤时对抗炎症。
  • Chamomile.A 2010 study showed that chamomile essential oils effectively penetrate below your skin’s surface into the deeper layers as a topical anti-inflammatory agent.

Whether you’re numbing your skin to alleviate pain or to prepare for pain, you have both natural and medical options. Before using any numbing agent, check with your doctor and discuss the safety concerns and the best options for your particular needs.