


your voice box contains your vocal cords. When you talk, your vocal cords open and close smoothly. As air passes through them, they vibrate to make sounds.

When your vocal cords are swollen or inflamed, your voice becomes distorted and may soundHOARES,raspy,或变得太安静了。


Treating laryngitis and getting your voice back involves treating the inflammation and irritation in your voice box.





2. Don’t whisper

you might be surprised to learn that whispering can make laryngitis worse, and you should avoid doing it when your voice is hoarse.

When you whisper, your vocal cords are pulled tight and are unable to vibrate, which puts extra strain on them. Instead of whispering, use a “confidential voice,” or a natural voice at a low volume.

3. Talk with a doctor about medication



4. Drink warm liquids

Drinking plenty of fluids is always recommended when you’re healing from laryngitis. Laryngitis is most often caused by a viral infection, so resting and drinking plenty of fluids will help you heal as quickly as possible.

Warm liquids like tea, broth, or soup may help soothe your irritated throat, keep your airways moisturized, and thin out mucus. Try drinking around 60 ounces per day.

避免使用咖啡和红茶等咖啡因,因为它们可能导致脱水。If skipping your morning coffee is out of the question, be sure to replenish your fluids with water or herbal tea.



Add 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water and try gargling two or three times per day until your voice returns.


Sucking on a throat lozenge increases your saliva production, which can help keep your throat moist.

尝试含有柠檬格的Honey, which has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.


The steam from a hot shower can help moisten your vocal cords and soothe your throat.

Inhaling warm steam by taking a hot shower or bath several times a day may help reduce hoarseness and clear the vocal cords of sticky secretions that cause laryngitis symptoms.

8. Get a humidifier




If you’re a regular smoker orvaper,尝试休假几天。吸烟是 通常链接 喉咙发炎,因此任何从喉炎中康复的人都应避免吸烟并远离烟熏环境。

如果你不能戒烟的尼古丁,缺点ider using a nicotine patch or othersmoking cessation aid


Alcohol is an irritant that can dry out your throat, which could exacerbate laryngitis symptoms.

Drinking alcohol may delay healing, so avoiding it is recommended when you’re trying to get your voice back.

喉炎通常不需要治疗。它通常是由病毒感染引起的,因此抗生素无济于事。症状通常自行清除 3 to 7 days

If you’re someone whose job depends on your voice, however, your doctor may be willing to prescribe corticosteroids to decrease inflammation.

If your laryngitis symptoms last longer than2 weeks,或者,如果您的症状非常痛苦并且吞咽困难,您应该去看医生。您可能患有慢性喉炎或喉炎酸回流
