What is bromodosis?



These tips can help reduce your foot odor. The key is making sure you follow them regularly and carefully.

Keep your feet clean and neat

  • Use a mild soap and scrub brush to wash your feet at least once a day. The best time to do this is during your morning or evening shower. It’s important to dry your feet completely after washing. Pay special attention between your toes, where any wetness can easily cause bacteria to grow.
  • 经常将脚趾甲夹住,以使它们短,并确保定期清洁它们。
  • 用脚档案从脚上卸下坚硬的死皮。湿时,硬皮肤会变得潮湿和柔软,从而创造了一个细菌喜欢居住的地方。
  • Change your socks at least once a day. If you’re in a hot environment, exercising, or in any other situation where your feet may become sweaty, you should change your socks more often.
  • Have two pairs of shoes that you alternate wearing every other day. This allows each pair to thoroughly dry out from sweat or moisture for a full day before being worn again. You can remove the insoles in your shoes to help them dry again. Wet shoes allow bacteria to grow on your feet more quickly.
  • 选择吸收水分的袜子而不是将其放在脚上。其中包括由天然纤维或运动袜制成的厚,柔软的袜子。
  • Wear open-toed sandals in warm weather, and go barefoot indoors when appropriate to allow your feet to stay dry.
  • 避免紧绷或可能保留水分的鞋子。
  • Use a cotton ball to apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol to your feet every night. This will help to dry out your feet. Avoid applying it to any cracks in your skin.
  • Apply an antifungal foot spray or medicated foot powder on your feet once daily.
  • Insert medicated deodorant insoles into your shoes.
  • If you need to quickly cut down on your foot odor, it’s safe to apply antiperspirant or deodorant spray to your feet.
  • 尝试各种类型的抗真菌和抗菌肥皂,直到找到最适合您的抗真菌肥皂。
  • Make your own foot soak usingListerine或者尖酸刻薄.

Pay attention to your socks and shoes

Use these foot products


Your feet produce a lot of sweat. They have more sweat glands than any other part of the body. These glands release sweat all throughout the day to help cool your body and keep your skin moist.


There are naturally some bacteria on the feet. These bacteria help break down sweat on the feet as it’s released. If bacteria and sweat build up, a foul odor can form. Extra bacteria tend to form when a person sweats in their shoes, takes them off, and then puts them back on without allowing them to fully dry.

Poor hygiene can also play a role in causing bromodosis. Infrequent foot washing or not changing your socks at least once a day can allow extra bacteria to begin to grow on your feet. This can cause foot odor to worsen.

