You may notice a growing number of small dark spots on your skin with each birthday that passes. Getting more and more of these老年斑随着年龄的增长,随着时间的流逝,正常的身体反应是正常的身体反应。

They most often start popping up at or around age 50, but younger people can also get age spots if they spend a lot of time in the sun.


You can treat your age spots at home with topical medicated creams. To get these creams, you’ll need a prescription from your doctor. Doctors most often prescribe:

  • hydroquinone (a bleaching cream)
  • 轻度类固醇
  • 类维生素类维生素(痤疮霜)

These topical medications work by fading age spots over the span of several months.

You should always apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with anSPF(sun protection factor) of at least 30, especially if you use one or more topical treatments. This helps reduce any additional sun damage.


Over-the-counter topical fade creams are also available. Look for one that contains:

  • glycolic acid
  • kojic acid

Be aware that some of these products may irritate your skin.

If you don’t feel comfortable using topical creams to get rid of your age spots, there are some makeups available that are specially designed to hide them.

Your doctor may be able to treat age spots in the office faster than you can at home. Here are some in-office medical treatment options for age spots.

Laser and intense pulsed light therapy


Some weeks or months after the treatment, your age spots should begin to fade. There are few side effects of激光and强烈的脉冲光治疗。大多数情况下,人们会经历某些暂时的染色。

After treatment, you need to apply sunscreen and use other forms of sun protection daily.




皮肤化and microdermabrasion

皮肤化involves planing (sanding down) the surface layer of your skin with a fast-spinning brush. This treatment removes the surface of the skin, allowing a new layer of skin to grow in its place.


微磨碎比擦皮法治疗不太强烈,which can help make the look of age spots a bit lighter. It requires several in-office treatments over the span of months to see results.



During achemical peel,您的医生将在您的脸上涂抹酸,这会破坏皮肤的外层到您的年龄斑。当外层剥落时,新皮肤会长大以替代它。



This is an in-office treatment for age spots just approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) after a临床试验


Some people need more than one treatment in order to dissolve an age spot completely, especially if it’s large or very dark. There are few adverse side effects with this treatment, the most common being mild skin irritation and scabbing.



Be aware that your health insurance may not cover the costs of professional age-spot removal because they are considered cosmetic. Talk to your skin doctor (dermatologist) about the various options to learn what’s best for you.