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  • burns
  • sunburns
  • 冻疮
  • 湿疹
  • 过敏反应
  • exposure to poison ivy, oak, or sumac
  • 病毒感染,如疱疹,带状疱疹或水痘
  • 细菌感染


一种s new skin grows, your body will slowly reabsorb the fluid. After a few days, your blister will dry up and flake off. Peeling off a dry blister can interfere with healing time, so it’s best to leave it alone. This also greatly reduces your chance of developing an infection.



  • Cover it up.用松散包裹的绷带盖住你的水泡。您可以使用常规粘合绷带或带有带胶带固定的一些纱布。你的水泡需要空气来帮助它擦拭,所以保持绷带的中间略微抬起气流。
  • 坐垫。你也可以覆盖你的水泡缓冲粘合绷带specifically designed for blisters. It can keep out bacteria and reduce pain while your blister heals.
  • Pad it.避免通过切出甜甜圈形状的圆形形状moleskin. Moleskin has thick cotton padding that can absorb pressure. Be sure to cover the padding with a regular bandage to keep out bacteria.



If you have blisters from a minor burn or sunburn, applying芦荟凝胶can help reduce pain. For added relief, keep it in the refrigerator. The cool temperature will help pull heat away from the skin.

In addition, a 2016年研究 在大鼠中的伤口愈合发现,芦荟可降低炎症,促进愈合,并降低瘢痕组织的大小。


绿茶具有抗氧化剂和抗炎特性,可促进伤口愈合。一种 recent study green tea extract混合到软膏中发现它减少了伤口疼痛并促进更好,更快的愈合。

You can mix green tea extract with a载体油, such as coconut or almond oil, and apply it directly to your blister. You can also brew some green tea. Place the tea bag on your blister after running it under cold water.


茶树油has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce the risk of infection and speed up heeling. Several studies have shown the powerful antibacterial effects of tea tree oil, even on surgical wounds.



桉树油has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that can help clean and disinfect wounds. 研究表明 that it can fight off powerful bacteria, such as大肠杆菌葡萄球菌金黄色葡萄球菌.

您可以将桉树油与任何载体油混合,但是 recent study suggests that mixing it with olive oil may actually enhance its wound-healing properties. Mix a few drops of eucalyptus oil into 1 teaspoon of olive oil. You can apply this directly to your blister or dilute it more with 1 tablespoon of cocoa butter.

While it’s best to leave blisters alone, sometimes you just need to drain them, especially if they’re very large or in an inconvenient place. Try to avoid draining blisters on your lips or around your mouth, though. This area is hard to keep covered and sterile.

Never try to pop a blister like a pimple. Your goal is to drain the fluid without damaging the skin covering the blister. If you’re going to drain a blister, try to do it within 24 hours of it forming.


  1. 洗手和水泡。用肥皂和温水洗手。用醇,碘或防腐洗涤彻底清洁泡罩的表面。
  2. 用酒精消毒针。浸入摩擦酒以消毒它的针。
  3. 小心翼翼地穿刺水疱。在水泡边缘戳三或四个浅孔。让流体排出。
  4. Cover the blister with ointment.将软膏(如岩石果冻)涂抹在水疱上。
  5. 一种pply a dressing.Cover the blister tightly with a bandage or gauze. You want the intact roof to press against the underlying skin.
  6. 重复。Blisters tend to fill back up quickly. You may need to perform these steps every six to eight hours for the first 24 hours. After that, change the dressing and apply ointment daily.

Whether you drain them or not, blisters are prone to infection. Untreated infections can be painful and require a dose of antibiotics. In addition, some blisters are caused by something more serious than friction.


  • The blister fills with yellow or green pus.
  • 该地区是红色,发炎或触摸的热。
  • The pain gets worse instead of better.
  • 你的水泡是不寻常的地方,如你的嘴巴或眼睛。
  • Your blister keeps coming back.
  • 你有一个症状allergic reaction.

Blisters may seem unavoidable, especially when you’re breaking in a new pair of shoes. But there are steps you can take to reduce your risk:

  • 戴防湿袜子代替棉花,以减少水分。
  • 在共同的泡罩区域涂抹痣或粘合绷带,例如鞋跟。
  • 使用脚粉或止汗剂来减少水分。
  • Try wearing two pairs of socks to redistribute friction.
  • 一种pply petroleum jelly to high-friction areas.
  • 铲住和耙时戴工作手套。
  • Wear loose-fitting, moisture-wicking clothing.
  • 避免穿着太大或太小的鞋子。

Blisters are a common problem for a lot of people. They can interfere with activities you love, such as hiking and running. While it’s best to let blisters heal on their own, sometimes you need to drain them. Regardless of what you decide to do, make sure to keep the area clean and protected until the blister fully heals.