车子陷入沟吗?也许你公园ed on the beach and when you tried to leave, realized you were trapped in the sand and couldn’t go backward, forward, or anywhere at all.

You realized pretty quickly spinning your wheels only mired you deeper. Frustrated and unable to move, you had to come up with a different plan.


但是在你知道之前,生活突然感觉是平坦的,而且毫无意义。你不觉得动机。创造力和灵感已经飞过了鸡舍。工作堆起来,但你不知道从哪里开始解决它 - 而且你不能真正让自己关心。

You know doing something different might help, but you lack the energy or motivation to try making a change.

Sound familiar? If so, you may have fallen into a rut. And just like with your car, spinning your wheels endlessly won’t do much to get you out. To excavate your car, you had to take some kind of action, whether it was shoveling sand or calling a tow truck.

Climbing out of a mental rut also requires action, but here’s the good news: You don’t need to wait for someone else to pull you out — unless you want some extra help.

So, you’re stuck in a rut. It’s OK. This is pretty common, and it won’t last forever.

But否认can keep you from making helpful changes. If you brush off your ennui by telling yourself, “I’m just worn out” or “I’ll feel more like myself tomorrow,” you’ll just continue spinning through the same cycle, prolonging your dissatisfaction and distress.

要开始纠正这种情况,请反而确认车辙。而且别忘了compassion为自己 - 责备自己不会帮助你感觉更好。所以放手自我判断并将你的能量集中在上升和外面。

If you’re stuck in a slump, examining why can help you start pulling yourself up.

A little self-exploration sometimes yields answers right away. Perhaps your relationship hasn’t progressed as you intended or your job feels like a dead end. Or maybe a number of minor stresses have compounded to leave you emotionally depleted.

Ruts can have varied, complex causes, though, so tracing yours to the source may prove a little challenging. Maybe it’s related to a temporary situation beyond your control, or something that requires a bit more soul searching than you’re prepared for.


When most of your goals are unattainable from where you are right now, however, you might continue failing to achieve them and end up frustrated with yourself.

Instead of beating yourself up for not achieving things, ask yourself whether your goals align with what you can realistically achieve. If your (honest) answer is “no,” take your goal down just a notch and see if you have more success.



It sounds great in theory, but overhauling everything at once often doesn’t go as planned. Trying to change several习惯or behaviors at the same time can quickly get overwhelming and make it difficult to stick with any of the changes.

Working on one or two smaller, manageable changes can make the process of change easier. Limiting the changes you make can also help you recognize when something isn’t working out, which makes it easier to know when to move on and try something else.

If you’re having a hard time identifying what got you into the rut, or just feel totally unmotivated to get out of it, do a quick check-in to make sure you’re looking after your well-being.

好的self-carepractices help refresh your mindand身体。他们还可以提高能量和动机,让您感觉更能以其他方式重新加工常规。


  • mindless relaxation
  • 休息from difficult projects
  • 当你感觉时休息时间burnt out
  • 常规的锻炼
  • time with loved ones
  • 常规,平衡的饭菜
  • 大量的quality sleep



留给自己的设备,您的大脑的一部分 - 具体而言,背侧前额外的皮质 - 将通过应用您以前的经验中学到的模式或规则来努力通过问题。

When you face a new kind of challenge, these strategies may not work as well as they did before. This leaves you without a solution (and in a rut).


Impulsivity gets a bad reputation. Sure, some impulsive actions carry risks. But plenty of them are perfectly safeandbeneficial.

Making snap decisions can increase your confidence and provide a chance to explore new options that add inspiration and variety to life. Even something as simple as walking the long way home can introduce you to things you’ve never seen before.

Approaching problems from an angle you’ve never considered before can also give you new insight that can help you climb out of the rut.


It’s understandable to want to pin the blame for the rut on outside sources, but most of the time, you can’t change anything except yourself.

Ruminatingon things you can’t control typically doesn’t help. Neither doescrossing your fingers,希望最好的,或坐在后面,等待物理改善。


Those are the things you want to address and focus your energy on.

Perfection might be a health goal for some folks, but for most people, it just leads toself-sabotage

When you have high standards, you probably spend a long time making sure your work always meets them. Even when you do a great job, you might believe it’s just not good enough and keep working at it.


Trying to avoid a single mistake can often prevent you from getting things done. Plus, it can lead to feelings ofanxietyanddepression当你没有完全完整的时候。

Focus instead on putting in your best effort and seeing projects through to completion, even if it’s not the ideal endpoint you envisioned. Once you finish something, move on.

Sometimes a rut is just a rut — a temporary state that you can work to improve. It can also indicate something more serious, though.

Living with persistent depressive disorder, ordysthymia., can feel like being trapped in a rut you can’t escape. Dysthymia often goes unrecognized because it’s typicallyless severethan depression, though it has similar symptoms.


  • low energy or mild fatigue
  • less interest in daily activities
  • anhedonia,或难以找到生活的乐趣
  • 丧失动机或生产力
  • feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem

这些症状会影响您的日常生活,但它们通常保持相当温和。你甚至可能不会意识到他们aresymptoms because you’re still able to keep up with your usual routines.

But life doesn’t have to feel distant or muted. If you just can’t seem to shake the feeling that you’re stuck in a rut, you have options for support, which brings us to our last tip.


For many people, therapy simply serves as a safe space to explore past choices and options for the future.


  • examine areas of your life that don’t entirely satisfy you
  • identify existing strategies or habits that aren’t working out
  • explore positive ways to make changes


水晶雷波孔has previously worked as a writer and editor for GoodTherapy. Her fields of interest include Asian languages and literature, Japanese translation, cooking, natural sciences, sex positivity, and mental health. In particular, she’s committed to helping decrease stigma around mental health issues.