
Heart rate is a measurement of how many times your heart beats in one minute.

休息心率是当您不运动或在压力下时,您每分钟有多少心脏跳动。休息心率可能是对health of your heartmuscle.


您可能还需要检查孩子的脉搏或在打电话911后在紧急情况下检查某人的脉搏,以确定是否是否CPRis needed.

Your age and fitness level have a big impact on your resting heart rate. All of the following can also affect your heart rate:

There are a number of ways to check your pulse. Here are some of the most common methods:

To check your pulse using this method, you’ll be finding theradial artery

  1. Place your pointer and middle fingers on the inside of your opposite wrist just below the thumb.
  2. Don’t use your thumb to check your pulse, as the artery in your thumb can make it harder to count accurately.
  3. 一旦感觉到自己的脉搏,就可以计算15秒钟内感觉到多少节拍。
  4. 将这个数字乘以4,以获取您的心律。例如,在15秒内进行20次跳动等于每分钟80节拍(BPM)。

To check your pulse using this method, you’ll be finding thecarotid artery

  1. Place your pointer and middle fingers on the side of your windpipe just below the jawbone. You may need to shift your fingers until you can easily feel your heart beating.
  2. Count the pulses you feel for 15 seconds.
  3. 将此数字乘以4,以获得您的心律。

You can also find your pulse on the top of yourfoot。This is called the pedal pulse.

  1. 将索引和中指放在沿着脚顶的骨头的最高点上方。您可能必须沿着骨头或稍微向两侧移动手指才能感觉到脉搏。
  2. Once you have found your pulse, count the beats for 15 seconds.
  3. Multiply by 4 to obtain your heart rate.

检查脉搏的另一个位置是brachial artery。This method is used most commonly in young孩子们

  1. Turn your arm so it’s slightly bent and your inner arm is facing up toward the ceiling.
  2. 将索引和中指沿着手臂的侧面放置在肘部顶部的肘部弯曲之间,而肘部骨头的尖头则在底部。然后将手指向上移动一英寸。您可能必须非常牢固地按下自己的脉搏。
  3. Once you can feel the pulse, count how many beats occur in 15 seconds.
  4. 将此数字乘以4,以获得您的心律。

There are a number of devices that can tell you your heart rate, such as:

检查您的心率的最准确的设备是无线monitorthat’s strapped around your chest. It reads out to a fitness tracker worn on your wrist.

Digital fitness trackers worn on the wrist, at-home blood pressure machines, and smartphone apps are less accurate than checking your heart rate manually. However, these devices are fairly accurate and very useful when exercising.

Exercise machines may have metal hand grips to read your heart rate, but these are often very inaccurate. To check your heart rate while exercising, it’s most effective to check manually or to use a digital fitness tracker.

Heart rate normsare based primarily on age rather than gender, although men tend to have slightly lower heart rates than women.

成人的理想静息心率为60至100 bpm。非常适合个人,例如athletes可能的心率低于60 bpm。


Exercising at the lower end of this percentage or doing间歇训练(您的心率上升和下降的地方)是理想的选择燃烧脂肪。Exercising at the higher end is ideal for building cardiovascular strength.

为了计算估计的最大心率,您可以使用从220中减去年龄的方程式。例如,如果您是45,则大约最大心率为175 bpm(220 - 45 = 175)。

You can then use your maximum heart rate to determine what your target heart rate is while exercising.


Age Estimated maximum heart rate 目标心率(最大60-85%)
20 200 120–170
25 195 117–166
30 190 114–162
35 185 111–157
40 180 108–153
45 175 105–149
50 170 102–145
55 165 99–140
60 160 96–136
65 155 93–132
70 150 90–123

The most accurate way to determine your true maximum heart rate and target heart rates is to participate in a graded exercise test performed by a doctor.

最好是跟一个医生在开始之前nning a new exercise program, especially if you’ve been sedentary or have a history of heart or lung issues.


但是,低心率可能是严重潜在问题的迹象。如果您的心率低于60 bpm,并且您正在经历胸痛, call 911. If you’re experiencing dizziness, weakness, fainting, or other concerning symptoms, call a doctor.

A consistently high heart rate (over 100 bpm when resting) is known astachycardia。It’s normal to have an elevated heart rate when you’re exercising, stressed, anxious, sick, or have consumed caffeine.

It’s not normal to have a heart rate over 100 bpm when you’re resting, especially if you’re also experiencing:

  • 头晕
  • 弱点
  • headache
  • palpitations
  • 突然的焦虑
  • 胸痛

If you’re having these symptoms, call a doctor.



有时间s when a high or low heart rate accompanied by other symptoms is a sign of a serious underlying issue. Call your doctor immediately if you experience this.