If you’ve ever wondered how often you should pee on a daily basis, you’re not alone. How often you urinate is actually an important sign of your overall health, beginning in infancy and continuing throughout your life. Keep reading to learn more about urination and when peeing frequently may signal that you need to visit your doctor.

小便 seven times 在24小时内被认为是典型的,大多数人小便大约六到七次。但是,或多或少在任何一天的尿液都不是平凡的。您撒尿多少取决于许多因素,例如:

定期urinating more than seven times per day may be normal for some people and may not be a sign of a health problem. But the National Institute of Aging suggests talking to your doctor if you regularly urinate eight or more times.


Urinary tract infection (UTI)

AUTIis a common condition that can affect how often you urinate. Anyone can develop UTIs, although they’re more common in women. A UTI can make you feel an urgent need to urinate, even if you recently emptied your bladder.

During an infection, you may find yourself urinating more often, but in smaller amounts. You’ll also likely feel a burning sensation when you urinate.

There are many possible causes for a UTI, so it’s best to see a doctor if you suspect an infection of your urinary tract.


Special circumstances, such aspregnancy和the weeks after giving birth, can affect how often you urinate. During pregnancy, a person urinates more frequently due to hormonal changes along with bladder pressure from the growing fetus. After birth, they continue to have increased urinary output for weeks. This is because of the extra fluids they may have received during labor from an IV, or medicine, as well as the body’s natural response to mobilize and eliminate fluids after birth.

Urinary retention

Urinary retention是当您无法完全清空膀胱时。它可能会导致持续的感觉,就像您需要小便,下腹部疼痛以及频繁的排尿一样。有可能 caused by:

  • neurological factors
  • infections
  • bladder muscle dysfunction
  • obstruction
  • medications



Hypocalcemia or hypercalcemia

如果您体内的钙水平太高或太低 - 条件称为hypocalcemia或者hypercalcemia— your urine frequency may change.

Low potassium (hypokalemia)

Low potassiumcan impair your kidneys’ ability to concentrate urine and may lead toexcessive thirst或者excessive urination.


People with heart problems,高血压, or poor kidney function often take medications that are called利尿剂。Diuretics work to help the kidney filter out more fluid into the urine. Taking diuretics may cause you to urinate more frequently. Some common diuretics include:

  • chlorothiazide (Diuril)
  • chlorthalidone (Thalitone)
  • 氢氯噻嗪(Microzide)
  • indapamide
  • metolazone
  • bumetanide (Bumex)
  • furosemide (Lasix)
  • torsemide (Demadex)
  • amiloride (Midamor)
  • eplerenone (Inspra)
  • spironolactone (Aldactone)
  • 氨苯蝶啶(Dyrenium)

Certain foods and supplements

一些食物或补充剂是natural diuretics和can increase the amount of fluid your body eliminates. These include:

Sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia会影响肾功能。损坏肾脏意味着他们也无法完成工作,并制造了更多的尿液。这会产生更频繁的小便


充血性心力衰竭can make it difficult for your body to get rid of excess fluid, especially in your lower body. When you lie down at night, your body may produce more urine to try to get rid of this fluid.

Up to half 充血性心力衰竭的人经历了过度活跃的膀胱和尿失禁


心动过速是一个异常快速的心跳。心动过速尿尿是由于心动过速而增加的尿量,定义为每分钟超过120次的心跳超过30分钟。减少antidiuretic hormone并认为心房尿肽的产生与尿量增加有关。

Medical procedures

If you’ve recently had a test that involved injecting dye into your body, such as aCT scan, you may pee more as your body eliminates the extra fluid.

Alcohol and caffeine

Alcohol and caffeine can have diuretic effects, causing you to urinate more than usual. When consuming these substances, frequent urination probably isn’t a sign of a medical issue.

Caffeine is found in many foods and drinks, including:

  • coffee
  • tea
  • 苏打
  • hot chocolate
  • energy drinks

Learn more: The effects of caffeine on the body »




An过度活跃的甲状腺can cause a wide range of symptoms that include frequent urination and persistent thirst. Other common symptoms include:


Anxiousness can potentially cause the smooth muscles surrounding your bladder to contract, causing pressure and stimulating the urge to urinate.

Interstitial cystitis

Interstitial cystitis是导致膀胱慢性炎症的疾病。常见症状包括:

  • frequent urination
  • 尿意外泄漏
  • pelvic or abdominal pain and pressure
  • 迫切需要小便

Multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma是一种罕见的血液癌。一种症状可能是钙的高水平,可能导致排尿增加。


甲藻溶作用is an overproduction of the hormone aldosterone by your adrenal glands. Overproduction of this hormone can cause your body to retain sodium and lose more potassium. Low potassium can cause frequent urination.


多囊肾是一种遗传条件,肾脏在肾脏上生长。人们在年龄之间倾向于不发展症状30 to 50。尿液频繁是一种潜在的早期症状。

Kidney stones

About 600,000 people in the United States experience kidney stones each year. They can cause extreme pain along your side and back that may radiate to your belly or groin. Other symptoms include:

Certain conditions may cause you to experience a lower-than-average output of urine. For men, this may be due to an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate is often caused bybenign prostate enlargement(BPH), which isn’t cancerous or due to prostate cancer. When the prostate becomes enlarged, it can block the flow of urine out of your bladder. This can leave you unable to fully empty your bladder, even after urination.

If you’re peeing so much or so often every day that you feel it’s affecting your quality of life, speak with a doctor. You may have an underlying medical condition, such as an overactive bladder. This can be treated.



If your symptoms are caused by a medical condition, treating the condition may help.

  • 如果您患有糖尿病,那么管理血糖应减少小便的需求。
  • If your urination frequency is caused by a UTI, once the UTI has been resolved, your urine output should return to normal.
  • 如果您的前列腺阻塞肿块扩大,则可能需要药物来增加尿液流动或减少前列腺尺寸。
  • 如果您正在服用用于心力衰竭或高血压的利尿剂药物,您的医生可能会尝试调整剂量以帮助您的症状。


  • 吃富含益生菌的食物,尤其是lactobacillus,在酸奶和开菲尔中发现。早期的 学习 suggest that lactobacillus may be helpful for women with recurrent UTIs.
  • If you use soap in the genital area, use an unscented product made for sensitive skin.
  • Wear loose, cotton underwear.
  • Avoid tight-fitting jeans and leggings.
  • Try to urinate every 3 to 4 hours 和avoid holding your pee when you need to go.
  • 性爱后小便 降低UTI的风险。
  • 考虑不要穿内衣上床睡觉以帮助您的生殖器区域保持凉爽。
  • Try to stay hydrated bydrinking plenty of water。Many experts recommend drinking eight 8-ounce glasses per day, but the exact amount you need varies between people.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol, soda, or caffeine consumption.
  • 避免可能引起膀胱刺激的事物,例如artificial sweeteners和cigarettes.

If you’re concerned about the amount you’re urinating, speak with a doctor. They may put your mind at ease and tell you that your urinary output is normal, or they may recognize additional symptoms. A urinalysis, which can be done in a doctor’s office, can provide useful information about your urinary tract health. Identifying underlying problems is the first step in finding a successful treatment plan.