在做出决定之后得到纹身, you’ll probably be eager to show it off, but it may take longer than you think for it to fully heal.



getting a tattoo,皮肤外层(您可以看到的部分)通常会在2至3周内愈合。虽然它可能看起来并感到愈合,而你可能会诱惑减速追踪者,它可以服用纹身下方的皮肤长达6个月,以真正愈合。

较大的纹身周围的皮肤需要更长时间的时间来恢复和某些因素,如摘要,而不是滋润,无法进行SPF., or using a洗剂酒精可能会减缓过程。

Generally speaking, the stages of纹身愈合可分为四个不同的阶段,根据舞台略微改变纹身的护理。


The first stage lasts from day 1 through about day 6. Your新纹身将在最初的几个小时内绷带,之后它被认为是一个开放的伤口。你的身体会受到伤害,你可能会注意到发红,渗出,轻微的炎症或肿胀,或灼热感。


In this stage, you may experienceitching and flaking。片状皮肤并不关心——它’s a natural response, and the ink will remain intact, even if it looks like some of it’s coming off.

Try to resist scratching or picking at scabs. A moisturizer recommended by a tattoo artist or doctor can keep the skin around the tattoo hydrated, and it may ease itching.

Weeks 3 and 4



Months 2 to 6

Itching and redness should have subsided by this point, and your tattoo may look fully healed, though it’s smart to continue with追踪者。纹身的长期护理包括保持水合,穿着SPF或防晒衣物,并保持纹身清洁。

Everyone wants their tattoo to heal quickly, but the reality is that like with any wound, it needs time and care. There are some things you can do to speed up the healing process.


Sunlight can cause your tattoo to fade, andfresh tattoos are especially sensitiveto the sun. Cover the tattoo with loose clothes like long sleeves or pants when you are out in the sun. Do not apply a sunscreen until the tattoo has fully healed.


Your tattoo needs to breathe, so once you remove the original bandage — usually it’ll be bandaged in clear plastic or surgical wrap by the artist — it’s best not to cover it. Wrapping it may result in extra moisture and a lack of oxygen, which can cause scabbing and slow healing.


你应该使用温水 - 不热,这可能会伤害皮肤或打开毛孔,导致油墨向内抽取 - 和 sterile water to clean your tattoo at least two to three times a day.

Before you begin, make sure your hands are thoroughly clean using an antibacterial soap. Then, splash water onto the tattoo, follow with fragrance-free and alcohol-free soap, and either let the tattoo air dry or gently dry it with a clean paper towel.


你的纹身需要空气来愈合,所以最好跳过像重物一样凡士林unless specifically recommended by your artist.

In the first few days, your artist will likely advise using products with lanolin, petroleum, and vitamins A and D. After a few days, you can switch to a lighter, fragrance-free追踪保湿霜甚至纯粹coconut oil

Don’t scratch or pick

切割是愈合过程的健康部分,但挑选或挑选scratching at the scabcan delay the healing process and may affect the integrity of the tattoo or result in疤痕

Avoid scented products

It’s crucial toavoid scented lotions and soaps on your tattoo,并取决于您的纹身所在的位置,您甚至可能想要切换到无味的洗发水,调节器和保镖。当产品与纹身油墨接触时,产品中的香味会导致反应。



  • 发烧或寒冷。发烧可能表明你的纹身已经被感染了,你应该立刻去看医生。
  • 延长发红。All tattoos will be somewhat red for a few days after the procedure, but if the发红不会消除, it’s a sign that your tattoo isn’t healing well.
  • 渗出液体。如果液体或脓液2或3天后仍然来自纹身,可能会感染。看医生。
  • 肿胀,蓬松的皮肤。It’s normal for the tattoo to be raised for a few days, but the surrounding skin shouldn’t be puffy. This may indicate that you’reallergic to the ink
  • Severe itching or hives.痒纹身can also be a sign that your body is allergic to the ink. The allergic reaction to a tattoo 可以在之后或尽可能多地发生纹身后几年
  • 疤痕。Your tattoo will scab over because it’s a wound, but a properly healed tattoo shouldn’t scar. Signs of疤痕include raised, puffy skin, redness that doesn’t fade, distorted colors within the tattoo, or pitted skin.

后getting a new tattoo, the outer layer of skin will typically appear healed within 2 to 3 weeks. However, the healing process can take upward of 6 months.

后care, which includes daily cleaning, ointment, or moisturizer, should continue for at least this long to reduce the risk of infection or other complications.