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痔疮是swollen veins around your anus or lower rectum. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids are inside of the rectum. External hemorrhoids are outside of the anal opening.


痔疮很常见。 Seventy-five percent 人们会在某些时候有痔疮。痔疮是比较普遍;普遍上in people between the ages of 45 and 65.

Explore the interactive 3-D diagram below to learn more about external and internal hemorrhoids.


Some internal hemorrhoids become so enlarged that they stick out of the anus. These are called prolapsed hemorrhoids. Prolapsed hemorrhoids can take longer to heal and may require treatment from a doctor.

Some women will develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy. This is because the increased pressure in your abdomen, especially in the third trimester, may make the veins in your rectum and anus larger.


You may have no noticeable symptoms from internal hemorrhoids. Sometimes, a bowel movement may irritate an internal hemorrhoid and cause bleeding.


  • itching
  • 燃烧
  • discomfort
  • 肿块
  • swelling

These are the same symptoms you’ll experience if you have external hemorrhoids.

If you have hemorrhoids, lifestyle changes may help them heal faster. One cause of hemorrhoids is straining during bowel movements. Adding more高纤维食品to your diet, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, can help soften your stool and make it easier to pass.


Here are some additional things that may help relieve symptoms:

  • Minimize the time you sit on the toilet.
  • When you feel the urge to move your bowels, go as soon as possible.
  • 在肠道运动期间将脚放在一个小凳子上,以改变直肠的位置。
  • If you’re pregnant, sleep on your side. This will help relieve some of the pressure around your anus.
  • Ask your doctor about taking a stool softener or a fiber supplement, such aspsyllium (Metamucil)或者甲基纤维素(Citrucel)。一汤匙mineral oil添加到食物中也可以帮助软化粪便。
  • 保持肛门区域清洁。乘坐常规淋浴,并在通过肠道运动后使用湿巾清洁肛门周围的区域。
  • Use asitz bath或者坐在温暖的浴缸里几分钟沐浴肛门区域。


限制使用含有类固醇的产品,因为长期使用may causethinning of the skin around the anus. If OTC medications aren’t helping, talk with your doctor to see if you need additional treatment.

Small hemorrhoids often clear up without treatment or with home treatment and lifestyle changes. If you’ve continued problems or complications, such as bleeding, you should see your doctor.

Your doctor can rule out other causes of排便期间出血, 如colon或者肛门癌。如果您的症状严重,您的医生可能会推荐medical proceduresto remove or shrink the hemorrhoids.

Your doctor may recommend a minimally invasive outpatient treatment. Outpatient treatments are treatments that your doctor performs in their office. Some treatments include the following:

  • 橡皮筋结扎是最常见的非诊断治疗,它涉及您的医生将围绕痔疮的底部绑在痔疮周围以切断血液供应。Eighty percent接受痔疮治疗的人有这种治疗。
  • 在凝血过程中,您的医生使用红外光,热量或极端寒冷来缩小痔疮。
  • During sclerotherapy, your doctor injects a chemical to shrink the hemorrhoid.



  • age
  • 怀孕
  • obesity
  • 肛交
  • frequentconstipation或者diarrhea
  • 花太久坐在厕所上
  • 没有足够的膳食纤维
  • overusingenemas或者laxatives
  • 排便期间的紧张

Once you’ve had hemorrhoids, they can return. Researchers haven’t conducted many studies on the rate of recurrence. Researchers in one study 2004年,比较了231人中痔疮的复发速率。

Some of the study participants received treatment at home, and others had surgery to remove their hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids recurred in 6.3 percent of the people who had surgery and in 25.4 percent of the people who received at-home treatment.

饮食和日常生活的变化可以帮助客ep hemorrhoids from returning. Home treatments to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms can also prevent future flare-ups. Follow these tips:

  • 吃推荐的高纤维食品和饮用大量的液体,以保持粪便柔软,防止在排便期间保持紧张。您也可以与您的医生交谈,以便柔软柔软剂。
  • 经常锻炼,这将有助于保持您的肠道运动更规则的时间表。
  • 如果你超重,减肥以减少直肠和肛门的静脉上的压力。