People have used honey for thousands of years for wound healing. While we now have other very effective wound-healing options, honey may still be good for healing certain wounds.

Honey has antibacterial properties and a unique pH balance that promotes oxygen and healing compounds to a wound.

在您进入您的内阁之前,知道伤口护理专业人员使用医疗级蜂蜜healing chronic woundsand other injuries.

Read on for more information on the right and wrong times to use蜜糖for wound healing.

Honey is a sugary, syrupy substance that has been shown to have bioactive components that can help heal wounds.

According to a literature review published in the journalWounds, honey offers the following benefits in healing wounds:

  • 酸性pH促进愈合。Honey has an acidic pH of between 3.2 and 4.5. When applied to wounds, the acidic pH encourages the blood to release oxygen, which is important to wound healing. An acidic pH also reduces the presence of substances called proteases that impair the wound healing process.
  • Sugar has an osmotic effect.天然存在于蜂蜜中的糖具有将水从受损组织(称为渗透效果称为渗透效应)的效果。这减少了肿胀并鼓励淋巴流动来治愈伤口。糖还会从细菌细胞中汲取水,这有助于保持它们乘法。
  • 抗菌作用。Honey has been shown to have an antibacterial effect on bacteria commonly present in wounds, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE). Part of this resistance may be through its osmotic effects.
  • 沸腾
  • burns
  • 非伤口和溃疡
  • pilonidal sinus
  • venous anddiabetic foot ulcers




If you’re applying honey on wounds at home, here are some general tips for application.

  • 始终从干净的手和涂抹器开始,如无菌纱布和棉质提示。
  • 将蜂蜜涂抹在敷料中,然后将敷料涂抹在皮肤上。直接施加到皮肤时,这有助于减少蜂蜜的混乱。您也可以购买蜜糖-impregnated dressings, such asMediHoneybrand dressings, which have been on the market for几年。如果您有一个深伤的床,例如脓肿。在敷料之前,蜂蜜应该填充伤口床。
  • 放置干净,干燥的蜂蜜。这可以是无菌纱布垫或粘合绷带。一个闭塞敷料is best over honey because it keeps the honey from seeping out.
  • 当伤口排出饱和时,替换敷料。随着蜂蜜开始治愈伤口,敷料变化可能会不那么频繁。
  • Wash your hands after dressing the wound.

If you have any questions about applying honey to your wound, follow up with a physician.


Ideally, a person should use medical-grade honey, which is sterilized and therefore less likely to cause immune system reactions.

In addition to Manuka honey, other forms sold for healing include Gelam, Tualang, and MediHoney, which is a brandname for a product where the honey has been sterilized by gamma irradiation.

蜂蜜或其容器始终可能会被污染,或者一个人可以拥有一个人allergic reaction。Sometimes, this is to the bee花粉那是蜂蜜自然存在的。

Allergic reactions

Signs you could be having an对蜂蜜的过敏反应包括:

  • dizziness
  • extreme swelling
  • nausea
  • stinging or burning after topical application
  • 呼吸困难
  • vomiting


Risks with raw honey

一些研究人员提出了关于使用的担忧raw honey,这是由蜂窝和未过滤的,用于伤口处理。他们通过这种蜂蜜类型理解感染的风险更大。

据“期刊”,虽然这比被证明的东西更重要,但重要的是要意识到风险很重要Wilderness & Environmental Medicine



Medical grade honey on wounds has been shown to help people with chronic and non-healing wounds. Medical honey has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and even anti-odor properties that can help people with chronic wounds.
