
Boils are red, pus-filled bumps that form under the skin.



Don’t pick at or squeeze a boil. If it’s not drained properly by a doctor, it could infect nearby areas or push the infection deeper into the skin, causing more boils.

If drainage is needed, your doctor will make a small incision on the boil and use sterile gauze to absorb and remove additional。This should only be done carefully and in a sterile environment.

It’s possible to treat many boils in the comfort of your own home with alternative remedies.


细菌infect然后炎热的毛囊导致沸腾。大多数沸腾是细菌的结果Staphylococcus aureus



  • improper hygiene
  • 刮胡子
  • 皮肤上有小切割
  • having certain skin conditions, such asacneoreczema
  • having an immune disorder, which makes you more vulnerable to bacterial infections
  • having close contact with someone who’s had boils, like sharing razors or towels

1. Applying heat

Heat helps increase circulation in an area, bringing more white blood cells and antibodies to the area to fight the infection. Applying heat to a boil is one of the best home remedies you can try.

Apply awarm compress一次到该地区20分钟。每天一天做这三次或四次,直到煮沸消失了。

2. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil强的抗菌和防腐特性。这些性质可以帮助治疗导致沸腾的细菌感染。

Tea tree oil shouldn’t be applied directly to the skin, as it can havea burning effect。相反,用茶匙混合五滴茶树油coconut or olive oil

Put the diluted tea tree oil on a cotton swab and apply it to the boil two or three times per day. Do this daily until the boil is completely gone.

商店for tea tree essential oil online.


姜黄粉已antibacterial and anti-inflammatoryproperties。Turmeric’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties may help heal a boil and get rid of it quickly.


To ingest it, boil a teaspoon of姜黄粉在水或牛奶中然后让冷却。每天三次饮用混合物。



4. epsom盐

epsom盐isn’t just a relaxing remedy. It may help treat boils, too. The salt may help dry out the pus, causing the boil to drain.

Dissolve Epsom salt in warm water and soak a compress in it. Apply the compress to the area for 20 minutes at a time. Do this at least three times daily until the boil is gone.

商店for Epsom salt online.




Apply the antibiotic ointment to the boil at least twice a day until the boil is gone.



Castor oilcontains a compound called ricinoleic acid, which is a natural but potentanti-inflammatory。This, combined with its powerful antibacterial properties, makes castor oil a great natural treatment to try for boils.

Apply a small amount of castor oil directly to the boil at least three times a day until the boil is gone.

商店for castor oil online.


雷姆油具有防腐,抗菌和抗菌剂properties这可以帮助治疗皮肤感染, including boils. It’s also known as Indian lilac.

To treat boils with neem oil, apply the oil directly to the boil three to four times a day. Make sure you wash your hands before and after application.

在线购买Neem Oil。

Sometimes home remedies won’t cut it for stubborn boils. Make an appointment with your doctor if:

  • 尽管家庭治疗,但沸腾不断变大。
  • The boil hasn’t cleared up or diminished after a week of home treatment.
  • The boil is as large as a pingpong ball.
  • 周围的皮肤沸腾明亮的红色或有红色条纹从中延伸。
  • 煮沸是非常痛苦的。
  • 还有其他肿块靠近沸腾。
  • 你有重复沸腾几个月。
  • You also havediabetes

Home remedies can be plenty effective for small boils. Make sure to use them as needed to see best results.

If you haven’t seen results after 5 to 7 days — or if the boil has gotten larger, more painful, or started to show signs of infection — make an appointment with your doctor.

你的医生可以通过抚养它并规定沸腾antibiotics治疗潜在的感染。确定对你的抗生素, they might test a sample of pus from the boil.
