Women with high testosterone

睾丸激素是一种雄性性激素或雄激素,少量在女性的卵巢中产生。结合雌激素,女性性激素,睾丸激素helps with the growth, maintenance, and repair of a woman’s reproductive tissues, bone mass, and human behaviors.

According to theMayo Clinic,女性睾丸激素水平的正常范围是:

Age (in years) Testosterone range (in nanograms per deciliter)
10–11 <7–44
12–16 <7–75
17–18 20–75
19+ 8–60


Age (in years) Testosterone range (in nanograms per deciliter)
10–11 <7–130
12–13 <7–800
14 <7–1,200
15–16 100–1,200
17–18 300–1,200
19+ 240–950

An imbalance of testosterone in the female body can have damaging effects on a woman’s health and性欲

Too much testosterone can cause symptoms that effect a woman’s physical appearance including:

  • 多余的身体,,,,specifically facial hair
  • 秃顶
  • 粉刺
  • 阴蒂扩大
  • 乳房大小减少
  • deepening of the voice
  • 增加肌肉质量

Overly high levels of testosterone in women can also cause:


If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, you should talk to your doctor.

Your doctor will perform a physical examination based on your symptoms to determine whether or not you need additional tests. During the examination, your doctor will look for these symptoms:



各种疾病或激素疾病会导致女性激素变化。女性高睾丸激素水平的最常见原因是妇女,,,,多囊卵巢综合征,,,,andcongenital adrenal hyperplasia


Hirsutismis a hormonal condition in women that causes growth of unwanted hair, specifically on the back, face, and chest. The amount of body hair growth is highly dependent on genetics, but this condition is primarily caused by an imbalance of androgen hormones.

2. Polycystic ovary syndrome



先天性肾上腺增生(CAH)is a disorder that directly affects the adrenal glands and the production of the body’s hormones. In many cases of CAH, the body overproduces androgen.


  • 不育
  • masculine characteristics
  • 阴毛的早期出现
  • 严重的痤疮

Treatment for high testosterone depends on the cause, but generally includes medication or lifestyle changes. Medications used to treat high testosterone include:

Oral contraceptives已被证明是阻断睾丸激素的有效治疗方法,但是如果您有即时计划怀孕的计划,这种治疗方法将干预。根据美国家庭医师学会,使用低剂量的北剂量,gestodene和desogestel的低剂量节育是最佳选择。所有这些药物只能通过处方获得。要获得一个,您必须与医生或妇科医生见面。

