汗腺炎suppurativa (HS) is an inflammatory skin disorder in which a mix of keratin, sweat, and bacteria builds up in the hair follicles. This creates bumps under the skin. As they get inflamed and expand, abscesses can form. Sometimes these abscesses burst or form tunnels under the skin.

HS is often misdiagnosed. It has a similar appearance to acne or boils, especially in the early stages. It can take time to get a proper diagnosis.



2020个队列研究表明,速度较高 three types 关节炎与HS人的影响。确定的三种类型是:

  • ankylosing spondylosis (AS)
  • rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • psoriatic arthritis (PsA)


One study在HS的人们中表现出更高的脊椎关节炎率。在许多情况下,两个条件的症状在短时间内开始。这使得作者怀疑HS和脊椎炎是否可能是相同条件的一部分。

If you live with HS, it’s important to watch for changes in your health. If you notice pain, swelling, and joint stiffness, talk to your doctor. Early detection is always best.


  • 代谢综合征。Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of factors that increase the risk of heart disease. This includes high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low HDL, and high blood sugar. One study showed that50.6%of people with HS had metabolic syndrome, compared to 30.2 percent of the control group.
  • 多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)。当雄激素激素生产增加时,会发生这种情况。它会导致卵巢囊肿和不规则的时期。大量分析表明9 percentHS的人有PCOS。在没有HS的小组中,2.9%有PCOS。
  • Crohn’s disease.Crohn’s disease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It can affect any area of the digestive tract. A large Danish study showed0.8 percentHS的人有克罗恩病。在研究中,克罗恩病的疾病影响了0.3%的一般人群。
  • 淋巴瘤。Lymphoma is a type of cancer that targets immune system cells. A 2019 cohort showed that people with HS have up to 4 times the risk of developing lymphoma than people without the condition.
  • Mental health.一种 2018年评论 表明HS的人更有可能患焦虑和抑郁症。如果您正在遇到情绪的变化,请与您的医生交谈。有一种有效的方法可以更好地感受到。


  • 一种ntibiotics.Oral or topical antibiotics can be used if there’s an infection.
  • Oral retinoid medications.这些药物通常用于痤疮。对于一些人来说,他们也有助于管理HS。
  • 皮质类固醇。These medications reduce the immune response and lower inflammation in the body.
  • 一种nti-inflammatories.These oral medications reduce pain by lowering inflammation in the body.
  • 肿瘤坏死因子α抑制剂(TNF-α抑制剂)。With HS, too much inflammatory protein called TNF- alpha is created. This is the same protein released in some other inflammatory conditions. TNF-alpha inhibitors block the action of those proteins. This lowers the immune response and reduces pain from inflammation.
  • 二氧化碳激光疗法。This surgical intervention may be used in more severe cases. Lasers target and remove sections of skin that are damaged by HS.
  • Laser hair removal.This treatment may be used in milder cases of HS. The lasers damage the hair follicle. This can reduce inflammation in the area and may help to prevent or slow the recurrence of HS.

Yes, HS is an inflammatory disease. Inflammation happens as part of an immune response. When the immune system is triggered, blood flow increases to the target area. An army of white blood cells and other proteins are sent out.

This response is perfect if you cut your finger. It also works to target invaders such as bacteria or viruses. Problems happen when the immune system response doesn’t turn off, and the continued inflammation causes damage and pain.

汗腺炎suppurativa (HS) is an inflammatory skin condition. There are many different inflammatory diseases. It’s recognized that many share similar traits and may be related.


If you notice any changes in your health, talk with your healthcare team. Early detection is important.