

This procedure is also known as cholescintigraphy and hepatobiliary scintigraphy. It might also be used as part of a gallbladder ejection fraction, a test used to measure the rate that bile is released from your gallbladder. It’s also often used along withX射线andultrasoundtests.

HIDA scans can be used to help diagnose a variety of diseases. These include:

  • 胆囊inflammation, orcholecystitis
  • 胆管堵塞
  • congenital bile duct abnormalities, such as biliary atresia, a rare condition that affects infants
  • 操作后的并发症,包括胆汁泄漏和瘘管,或不同器官之间的异常连接


A HIDA scan involves some special preparation:

  • Fast for four hours prior to your HIDA scan. Your doctor may allow you to drink clear liquids.
  • 通知您的医生您正在服用的所有药物和补充剂。
  • 让你的医生知道你是否怀孕或母乳喂养。


  • change into a hospital gown
  • 删除所有珠宝和其他五金配件e before the procedure

Here’s what to expect at your HIDA scan:

  1. 成像技术人员将指导你躺在桌子上,保持非常静止。他们将定位一个叫腹部扫描仪的相机。
  2. 技术人员将投入IV(intravenous)针进入手臂或手中的静脉。
  3. 技术人员会将放射性示踪剂注入IV,以便进入静脉。
  4. The tracer will move through your body’s bloodstream to your liver, where bile-making cells absorb it. Then the tracer will move with the bile into your胆囊, through the胆管, and into the小肠
  5. The technician will control the camera so it takes images of the tracer as it moves through your body.
  6. 技术人员还可以通过您的IV线注入一种称为吗啡的止痛药。这有助于将示踪剂移动到胆囊中。




  • an allergic reaction to the medications that contain radioactive tracers used for the scan
  • bruising at the site of the IV
  • exposure to a small amount of radiation




HIDA scan results may be:

结果 扫描节目是什么
普通的 The radioactive tracer moved freely with your body’s bile from the liver into your gallbladder and small intestine.
Not present 如果在图像上胆囊中没有放射性示踪剂迹象,这可能是急性胆囊炎的迹象,或acute cholecystitis.
低胆囊射血分数 如果离开胆囊的示踪剂是低在给予CCK以使其空虚的情况下,你可能会有胆囊慢性炎症,或者慢性胆囊炎。
在身体其他部位的放射性示踪剂 If images show signs of radioactive tracer outside of your liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, and small intestine, you may have a leak in your body’s biliary (bile) system.
