
Thehemoglobin (Hgb) testmeasures how much hemoglobin your red blood cells contain.


它还运输二氧化碳(CO2) from around your body back to your lungs through your veins. Hgb is what makes red blood cells look red.

Abnormally high or low Hgb can cause symptoms like疲惫,头晕, orshortness of breath. Your doctor may suggest an Hgb test if you’re experiencing these symptoms. You may have an underlying condition that needs to be diagnosed.

Learn why you may need an Hgb test, what the典型的范围为血红蛋白,可能导致异常血红蛋白水平s.


To take a sample, your healthcare provider extracts blood from a vein by pricking your finger or inserting a needle with an attached tube into the crease of your arm. The sample is then stored in the tube to be analyzed later at a lab.

The needle may cause brief discomfort, but the insertion usually lasts less than a minute. If you’re sensitive to getting blood drawn or the sight of blood, have someone come with you and let your provider know.

HGB测试可以作为a的一部分命令complete blood count (CBC)test. A CBC test also measures other important components of your blood, such as white blood cells and platelets. Abnormal levels of any of these cells can indicate underlying conditions or blood disorders.


  • 你有父母或其他有血液疾病的家庭成员,如sickle cell anemia.
  • 你有感染。
  • You don’t have enough iron in yourdiet.
  • 手术后,你已经失去了很多血液或创伤性伤害。
  • 你怀孕了。
  • 您有一种可能影响您的HGB水平的医疗状况。

您不需要专门为HGB测试快速。您可能需要快速 - 避免热量的食物或液体约12小时 - 如果您的医生计划同时测试血液的化学。然而,你应该喝大量的水。

Your age and gender both affect your Hgb levels. Typical healthy Hgb levels are as follows:

Category HGB级别,单位克(G / DL)
婴儿 11–18
小孩子 11.5–16.5
adult males 13-16.5
adult females (not pregnant) 12-16
成人女性(怀孕) 11–16

For men, Hgb levels below 13 g/dL are considered low. For women, Hgb levels below 12 g/dL are considered low if not pregnant.

This threshold may change with certain conditions. It can also vary depending on the lab, so be sure to check your lab’s reference range. For children these levels may also vary due to age, especially in infants under 6 months old.

Low Hgb is also known asanemia, which means that you don’t have enough red blood cells in your body.

With anemia, a blood test will also show that you have a low红细胞计数并且可能有很低hematocrit,红细胞的体积与血液中的其他组分。

Anemia can have many causes, so symptoms vary widely. Common anemia symptoms can include:

While exhaustion or疲劳不是低血红蛋白的原因,它可能是一种症状。低于正常量的血红蛋白可导致氧气输送减少到重要的器官和肌肉,导致疲劳或缺乏能量。

低血红蛋白水平可引起的任何条件affects your body’s ability to create red blood cells or conditions that lower red blood cells in your bloodstream.


  • 饮食中缺铁,这使得骨髓更加难以生产HGB
  • lack offolateor维生素B-12, which can lead to your body producing fewer red blood cells than are needed
  • severe blood loss手术后或重大伤害
  • 内部出血来自胃溃疡,orcolon cancer, or internal injuries
  • sickle cell anemia,a genetic condition导致红细胞异常镰刀形状并且能够携带较少的HGB
  • 甲状腺功能亢进, which means that the thyroid gland不会产生足够的甲状腺激素
  • splenomegaly或者脾脏扩大from infection, liver conditions, or cancer
  • 骨髓状况, such as白血病,可防止骨髓产生足够的红细胞
  • chronic kidney disease,你的kidneys don’t function properly(resulting in a deficiency of erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates red blood cell production in your bone marrow)


  • 经常捐血
  • 在你的时期里出血
  • 酒精滥用
  • 慢性健康问题,如自身免疫疾病或癌症

High Hgb is known as polycythemia. This means you have too many red blood cells.

Polycythemia vera是血骨过度的血液的癌症,它过度含红细胞。


Common symptoms of high Hgb levels include:

  • itchiness
  • headache
  • 头晕
  • 得到容易伤害or bleeding
  • sweating more than usual
  • 痛苦联合肿胀
  • abnormal weight loss
  • a yellow tint to the eyes and skin (jaundice)
  • feeling exhausted
  • a purple or reddish tint to the skin

High Hgb may result from your body needing to store more Hgb in red blood cells due to your environment, a condition that affects your heart or lung function, or lifestyle choices.

Possible causes of high Hgb levels include:

  • 生活在高海拔where there’s not as much oxygen in the air, such as in the mountains
  • 吸烟烟草产品,包括香烟或雪茄
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),aconditionthat inflames the lungs and blocks air from getting into your lungs
  • 心脏或肺病这会影响您呼吸的能力,您的肺部将氧气传入血液中的能力,或者您的心脏正常泵送能力
  • taking erythropoietin unnecessarily,如提高高级物理性能

Other causes include:


The earlier you notice the symptoms of abnormal Hgb levels and have the cause diagnosed, the more likely you are to have successful treatment.
