
丙型肝炎是一种肝病,可能引起短期(急性)或者long-term (chronic) illness。慢性丙型肝炎会导致严重甚至威胁生命的并发症。无论是急性还是慢性,这都是由丙型肝炎病毒引起的一种传染性疾病。

In the United States, it’s estimated that 2.7至390万 people are living with chronic hepatitis C.

If you have hepatitis C or are close to someone who has it, you may be concerned about disease transmission. That’s certainly understandable. It’s important to remember that the main method of transmission is through contact with infected blood.

Read on to learn how hepatitis C does — and doesn’t — spread, plus some practical tips to help prevent transmission.

The virus spreads from direct contact with infected blood. This means that the blood of an infected person somehow gets inside the body of someone who, up to that point, wasn’t infected.

The 最常见的 丙型肝炎的方法是共享针头或用于注入药物的其他设备。它也可以在医疗保健环境中传播,例如意外的针杆。母亲可以在分娩期间将其传递给婴儿。

It’s less common , but you can pick up the virus by sharing razors, toothbrushes, or other personal care items with an infected person.



Since 1992, screening of the blood supply in the United States has kept hepatitis C from spreading during blood transfusion and organ transplants.



它不是在fo传播od or water, or by sharing eating utensils or dishes with an infected person. You can’t spread it by casual contact such as hugging or holding hands. It’s not transmitted in a kiss, a cough, or a sneeze. Mothers with hepatitis C can safely breastfeed. Even mosquito and other insect bites won’t spread it.


If you live with someone who has hepatitis C, there’s no reason to avoid close personal contact. Feel free to touch, kiss, and cuddle.

The most important thing you can do to prevent getting the virus is to avoid contact with the infected person’s blood. Blood can be infectious even when it’s dry. In fact, the virus can live in blood on surfaces for up to three weeks.

That’s why you should take great care when cleaning up blood spills, however small or old they are.

Here are a few tips for dealing with blood:

  • 如果您看到血液,请假设它是传染性的。
  • If you have to clean or touch a blood spill, wear disposable gloves. Inspect the gloves for tears and holes before using them.
  • 使用纸巾或一次性破布擦拭。
  • 用1份漂白剂溶液将面积消毒至10份水。
  • 完成后,将抹布或纸巾放在塑料袋中。小心地卸下手套,也将其处理。
  • 如果您必须触摸无法正确处理的二手绷带或月经产品,请戴上手套。
  • 与血液接触后,即使您戴着手套,都可以彻底洗手。

Some personal care items can sometimes contain a small amount of blood. Don’t share things like a toothbrush, razor, or manicure scissors.

If you think you may have been exposed to the virus, contact your doctor to find out when you can be tested. Early treatment can help prevent serious liver damage.

尽管可以在性爱过程中传播丙型肝炎,但not common, especially for monogamous couples. Using latex condoms can help you lower the risk even more.

当您患有多个性伴侣时,该病毒更有可能传播。可以在口交期间传播它,但是有no evidencethat it actually has spread this way.

Anal sex can cause damage to your rectum. Tiny tears can raise the likelihood of passing the virus through blood, but condoms can help lower the risk.


Ribavirin is an antiviral medication used to treat hepatitis C. It can cause severe birth defects. This is true no matter which partner is taking it.


  • Copegus
  • Moderiba
  • Rebetol
  • 肋骨
  • Virazole



  • 也患有艾滋病毒或性传播疾病
  • 在月经期间做爱
  • have open cuts or sores on your genitals
  • have rough sex that results in small tears or bleeding

Learn more: Dating with hepatitis C »


Because the virus spreads through direct contact with infected blood, here are some of the things you can do to prevent spreading it:

  • Never share needles or other injection equipment. If you use IV drugs, ask your doctor about substance abuse treatment programs.
  • Always use bandages to cover up cuts and scratches.
  • 处置可能有血液的物品时要非常小心。这些可能包括绷带,卫生棉条或其他月经产品和组织。
  • 不要与任何人共享个人物品,例如牙刷,剃须刀或指甲剪刀。
  • Don’t donate blood. Blood donations are tested for hepatitis C, so it will be discarded anyway.
  • Don’t sign up to be an organ donor or donate semen.
  • 始终告诉医疗保健工人您的乙型肝炎状态。
  • If you cut yourself, clean up the blood promptly and thoroughly using a solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water. Carefully dispose of or disinfect anything that touched your blood.
  • 告知您的性伴侣您的乙型肝炎状况。使用乳胶避孕套将有助于降低传播病毒的机会。

母亲可以在分娩期间将病毒传递给婴儿,但风险是less than 5 percent。如果您也患有艾滋病毒,则更有可能发生。如果您认为自己已经接触过该病毒,请询问您的医生是否应该接受测试。


You can only spread hepatitis C through contact with infected blood. By taking the proper precautions, you can help prevent spreading of the virus.


An open discussion with loved ones about risks and preventive measures will allow them to ask questions and learn more about the virus, how to protect themselves, and what’s involved in hepatitis C screening.