
  • stroke
  • 脑tumor
  • trauma to the brain


Some information from your视神经crosses to the other half of the brain using an X-shaped structure called theoptic chiasm。When any part of this system is damaged, the result can be partial or complete loss of vision in the visual field.


  • 视神经
  • optic chiasm
  • visual processing regions of the

The most common causes of brain damage that can result in hemianopsia are:



  • bitemporal:outer half of each visual field
  • homonymous:每个视野的相同一半
  • right homonymous:right half of each visual field
  • left homonymous:left half of each visual field
  • 优越的:每个视野的上半
  • 下:lower half of each visual field

Symptoms can be easily confused with those of other disorders, especially in cases of partial hemianopsia. If you suspect you may have hemianopsia, see your healthcare provider. If hemianopsia occurs quickly or suddenly, seek medical attention immediately.

Symptoms may include:

  • sensation that something is wrong with your vision
  • bumping into objects while walking, especially door frames and people
  • 驾驶困难,尤其是在更换车道或避开道路侧面的物体时
  • 经常在阅读时失去您的位置,或者找不到文本行的开始或结尾
  • difficulty finding or reaching for objects on desks or countertops or in cabinets and closets

Hemianopsia can be detected by a视野测试。您将重点放在屏幕上的单个点上,而灯光在上面,下方,左侧以及该焦点中心的右侧。


如果视觉场的一部分受损,则MRI scanis often suggested. The scan can show whether there’s brain damage to the areas of the brain responsible for vision.


The degree of function that can be restored depends on the cause and severity of the damage.

Vision restoration therapy (VRT)

VRT works by repeatedly stimulating the edges of the missing field of vision. The adult brain has some ability to rewire itself. VRT causes your brain to grow new connections around the damaged areas to restore lost functions.

已经发现它可以恢复5 degrees某些人的视野失落。



Scanning therapy (saccadic eye movement training)


By developing this habit, you’ll eventually learn to always look with the visual field that’s still intact.


A number of strategies can make reading less challenging. You can look for long words to use as reference points. A ruler or sticky note can mark the beginning or end of the text. Some people also benefit by turning their text sideways.



  • 与另一个人同行时,将该人放在受影响的一边。在那里有一个人将阻止您撞到视野之外的物体。
  • In a movie theater, sit toward the affected side, so that the screen is largely on your unaffected side. This will maximize the amount of the screen that you can see.
  • 驾驶能力的因素而异。驾驶模拟器或与医疗保健提供者进行咨询可以帮助您确定安全。