What is heavy metal poisoning?


其中一些金属 - 例如zinc,,,,,,,,andiron-are good for you in small amounts. But overexposure can lead to heavy metal poisoning, such as what occurs in威尔逊氏病。This can be fatal.

Depending on your level of exposure, medications given intravenously under medical supervision can remove these toxins. These medications bind to the metals, a process called chelation. You doctor will test your blood, urine, and hair to measure metals toxicity.


长期接触金属有毒,导致harmful side effects that range from headaches to organ damage. It’s important that you seek medical treatment if you have heavy metal toxicity.


Acute symptoms associated with these metals include:

In more severe cases of chronic heavy metal poisoning, you may experience symptoms including:


Let’s take a look at the research.

Foods to eat

有些食物可以通过从体内清除重金属来帮助您排毒。 These foods bind to the metals and remove them in the digestive process.

Eating foods high in vitamins and minerals can have protective effects for those exposed to heavy metals.

Heavy metal detox foods to eat include:


Vitamin B, B-6, and C deficiencies are 有关联 poor tolerance of heavy metals and easier toxicity. Vitamin C has been reported to have chelating effects on iron. In oneanimal study,显示B-1补充剂可降低铁水平。


Foods to avoid

An effective heavy metal detox includes more than incorporating healthy水果and蔬菜。To minimize the effects of heavy metal poisoning or prevent it altogether, you need to eliminate some foods from your diet.

This is especially true forprocessed foodsand excess fats. These foods have minimal nutritional value and slow down the detox process. This is because fats tend to soak up the harmful substances you want to remove.


  • rice (糙米,,,,specifically) because it often contains
  • 一些,,,,such as larger and long-living fish, as they tend to contain more mercury
  • 酒精
  • 无机食品


It takes time to detox and safely remove metal toxicity from your body, but it’s possible. Before participating in the heavy metal detox diet, consult with your doctor or dietician to discuss your options.