Heat rashis a skin condition that often develops in hot and humid environments. Although it can be annoying, it typically doesn’t last too long.

Eczema, on the other hand, is a long-term, chronic condition that needs ongoing treatment and symptom management.




To cool your body down when you’re warm, sweat is produced by glands in the deeper layers of your skin. But if the pores in your skin get clogged, the sweat can’t be released onto the surface of your skin. In some cases, clothing that doesn’t allow your skin to breathe may also play a role in trapping the sweat.

When sweat gets trapped by clogged pores or clothing, it can cause a heat rash to develop. The good news is that heat rash is usually not serious, and it generally doesn’t last too long.


Unlike heat rash which usually clears up fairly quickly, eczema is a long-term, chronic condition that needs treatment and ongoing management.

它倾向于在婴儿期或童年时期发展,并且在儿童中非常普遍。实际上,它影响 10 and 20 percent of children.

Eczema, which is also known as atopic dermatitis, can and does persist into adulthood for more than1600万成人。If you first developed eczema in childhood, you may have learned to recognize the hallmarks of an eczema flare-up by now.

But it might be harder for an adult who develops what dermatologists calladult-onset atopic dermatitis。It may also be more challenging for a parent who’s not sure whether their child has eczema or just a heat rash.

实际上,有许多不同种类的湿疹。实际上,专家倾向于将它们分组为seven specific types

最常见的称为特应性皮炎。It affects more than26 million美国的人。特应性皮炎在生命的前6个月倾向于发展,但也可以在以后发展。


  • reddish in people with lighter skin tones
  • 皮肤较深的人的棕色或灰色

Sometimes your skin will get thicker in patches where the rash appears. It has a genetic component, but your immune system and environmental triggers may also play a role.


  • Contact dermatitis.Withcontact dermatitis, a rash develops in the area where your skin comes into contact with a substance that irritates it, for instance a product that contains chemicals or dyes that you’re allergic to.
  • Dyshidrotic eczema.People who develop汗疱湿疹tend to get itchy blisters on the soles of their feet and palms of their hands.
  • 神经皮炎。这种湿疹也被称为地衣单纯乳房,始于一个或两个痒的皮肤斑块,变得更加发痒和痒。重复刮擦会使皮肤更厚(但通常仍然发痒)。
  • 脂肪性皮炎。Seborrheic dermatitis倾向于在富含油腺的区域(如头皮,鼻子和上背部)发展。它通常显示为红色,鳞片状的斑块。在婴儿中,通常称为油腻的鳞片状斑块cradle cap, is a form of this type of eczema.
  • Stasis dermatitis.Poor circulation to the lower legs is usually the culprit forstasis dermatitis。It may start out with just small spots of discoloration and some ankle swelling and progress to larger areas of swelling, along with redness or scaling.
  • Nummular eczema.这种类型的湿疹characterized by round, oozy patches on the skin. It can easily get infected, so treatment is usually necessary.

It’s important to note that different kinds of eczema can overlap. In other words, you could have more than one kind at the same time. And they may require different treatment or management strategies.

Because heat rash and eczema can look similar to each other, it’s not always easy to tell them apart. If you can’t tell by looking at the rash, it’s important to consider the following factors.

Once you know what type of skin condition you’re dealing with, you can take steps to treat it appropriately.

How to treat heat rash



For a more intense case of prickly heat, you may want to涂上calamine乳液or a low-dose hydrocortisone cream.



典型的过敏性dermatitis, your doctor may suggest applying a moisturizer to the affected areas of skin several times per day. You may also benefit from applying a topical corticosteroid or taking an antihistamine if they’re experiencing a lot of itching.

With most cases of heat rash, once you start cooling off, the rash will likely start to improve. But if it doesn’t, you may want to contact your healthcare professional, especially if the rash is accompanied by other symptoms such as:

With eczema, let your doctor or healthcare professional know if you think you’re developing an infection. If you scratch an itchy patch and it starts bleeding, there’s a chance that the open wound could get infected. If you notice pus oozing from a lesion, be sure to get it checked out by a doctor.


If you’re a new parent, it’s helpful to know that newborns often developa variety of different types of rashes。Seborrheic dermatitis is very common in babies, and heat rash can be, too. Most kinds of rashes can be easily dealt with at home. But if you’re concerned and aren’t sure what to do, go ahead and contact your child’s doctor to get some guidance.

Although heat rash and eczema aren’t always preventable, there are some steps you can take to lower your risk of these skin rashes.


The best way to prevent heat rash is to avoid sweating. This may be easier said than done, especially if you live in a hot, humid climate. After all, sweating is your body’s natural way of keeping you cool in warm conditions.

But there are some ways to reduce sweating and reduce the chances of a rash developing.

  • 穿宽松,轻巧的衣服,避免穿太紧或在皮肤上摩擦的衣服。
  • 取下靠近皮肤的出汗衣服。
  • 限制使用可以阻塞毛孔的软膏或重型保湿剂。
  • Try to spend most of your time in the shade or inside an air-conditioned space on hot days.
  • Take cool baths or showers on a regular basis.

How to prevent eczema

尽管您无法预防湿疹,但您可以减少您(或您的孩子)经历湿疹的可能性flare-up or exacerbation


  • Avoid strongly scented soaps and detergents, which can irritate your skin.
  • 尝试使您的房屋没有过敏原,例如灰尘,花粉,霉菌和宠物皮屑。
  • 尝试保持您的stress levels in check
  • Opt for lukewarm baths or showers instead of hot ones.
  • Don’t scrub your skin in the tub or shower.
  • 在炎热的天气里找到一个景点以保持凉爽的位置。
  • Wear sunscreen and protective clothing outdoors.

With babies, children, and even adults, it can be challenging to determine if you’re dealing with a heat rash or eczema.


If the rash persists or you notice other symptoms, contact your healthcare provider to get the right diagnosis and treatment.