两种类型的心脏衰竭影响的左边the heart: systolic and diastolic. If you’ve been diagnosed with left-sided — also called left-ventricle — heart failure, you may want to understand more about what these terms mean.


If you have systolic heart failure, it means your heart isn’t contracting well during heartbeats. If you have diastolic heart failure, it means your heart isn’t able to relax normally between beats. Both types of left-sided heart failure can lead to right-sided heart failure.

When it comes to diagnosing and managing these two types of heart failure, there are some similarities and some differences. Read on to find out what you need to know about systolic and diastolic heart failure.

Systolic heart failure happens when the left ventricle of your heart can’t contract completely. That means your heart won’t pump forcefully enough to move your blood throughout your body in an efficient way.


Ejection fraction (EF) is a measurement of how much blood leaves a heart ventricle every time it pumps. The more the heart pumps out, the healthier it is.

Doctors will tell you your EF as a percentage after doing an imaging test, such as an echocardiogram. Between 50 and 70 per cent EF is considered normal. (It’s still possible to have other types of heart failure, even if your EF is normal.)

If you have an EF of under 40 cent ,您减少了射血分数或收缩性心力衰竭。



This type of heart failure most often affects older women. It often occurs alongside other types of heart disease and other non-heart conditions such as cancer and lung disease.

There are many medications available to treat systolic heart failure. These include:

  • 血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)抑制剂
  • angiotensin receptor-neprilysin (ARN) inhibitors
  • angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)
  • β受体阻滞剂(BBS)
  • digoxin
  • 利尿剂
  • F-channel blockers
  • 肌力
  • mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs)

For some people, a combination of these treatments can be effective.

例如,一种将Sacubitril,ARN抑制剂和ARB Valsartan结合在一起的药物被指定为“ first-in-class ” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2015. The FDA designates a new medication as first-in-class when it’s innovative and works in a way that’s different from previous options.

一种 审查 2017年出版,研究了57项涉及组合治疗的试验。研究发现,与服用安慰剂的人相比,相比之下,将ACE抑制剂,BB和MRA结合在一起的人降低了56%的死亡风险。与服用安慰剂的人相比,结合了ARN抑制剂,BB和MRA的人的死亡率降低了63%。



  • Medications to relax or widen blood vessels.These may include ARBs, BBs, calcium channel blockers, or long-acting nitrates. It could also include vasodilators, such as nitroglycerin.
  • 减少液体积聚的药物。Diuretics, sometimes called “fluid pills,” help your body get rid of excess fluid.
  • 控制其他疾病的药物。Treatment may focus on managing conditions such as high blood pressure, which can have a big effect on diastolic heart failure.

Implanted devices


  • 可植入的心脏逆转除颤器(ICD)。If you have heart failure and irregular heartbeats, this gives your heart a shock when your heartbeat is not regular. This helps your heart beat properly again.
  • 心脏重新同步疗法(CRT)。这是一个特殊的起搏器,有助于您心脏的心室,使它们正常和正确的节奏合同。
  • 左心室辅助装置(LVAD)。This pump-like device is often called a “bridge to transplant.” It helps the left ventricle do its job when it’s no longer working well, and it can help you while you wait to get a heart transplant.



  • Corrective surgery.如果您的心脏出现身体问题会导致心力衰竭或使其恶化,则可能会接受手术来解决它。例子包括冠状动脉旁路,可在动脉阻塞周围重新穿血液和瓣膜置换手术,该手术纠正了无法正常工作的瓣膜。
  • Transplant.If heart failure progresses to a very serious state, you might need a new heart from a donor. After this surgery, you’ll have to take medication so your body doesn’t reject the new heart.

If you’ve been diagnosed with heart failure, talk to your doctor about what type of heart failure you have. Understanding the type of heart failure may help you understand your treatment options better. Sticking to your treatment plan and taking your medication as prescribed are the best ways to manage the condition and reduce your risk of complications.