Testing for heart disease

Heart diseaseis any condition that affects your heart, such as冠状动脉疾病andarrhythmia。According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , heart disease is responsible for 1 in 4 four deaths in the United States each year. It’s a leading cause of death in both men and women.

To diagnose heart disease, your doctor will perform a series of tests and evaluations. They may also use some of these tests to screen you for heart disease before you develop noticeable symptoms.

Symptoms of a heart problem can include:

  • fainting
  • slow or fast heartbeat
  • chest tightness
  • 胸痛
  • shortness of breath
  • sudden swelling in your legs, feet, ankles, or abdomen

If you have any of these symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor. Early diagnosis and treatment can help lower your risk of complications, likeheart attackor中风

During your appointment, your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and your family medical history. They’ll also check your heart rate and blood pressure.

Your doctor may also order blood tests. For example, cholesterol tests measure the levels of fat and cholesterol in your bloodstream. Your doctor can use these tests to help determine your risk of heart disease and heart attack.

A complete cholesterol test checks four types of fats in your blood:

  • Total cholesterolis the sum of all cholesterol in your blood.
  • Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterolis sometimes called “bad” cholesterol. Too much of it causes fat to build up in your arteries, which reduces blood flow. This can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
  • High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterolis sometimes called “good” cholesterol. It helps carry away LDL cholesterol and clear your arteries.
  • 甘油三酸酯are a type of fat in your blood. High levels of triglycerides are often associated with diabetes, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption.

Your doctor may also orderC-reactive protein (CRP) teststo check your body for signs of inflammation. They can use the results of your CRP and cholesterol tests to assess your risk of heart disease.

After completing a physical examination and blood tests, your doctor may order additional noninvasive tests. Noninvasive means the tests don’t involve tools that break the skin or physically enter the body. There are many noninvasive tests available to help your doctor check for heart disease.


Anelectrocardiogram (EKG)is a short test that monitors the electrical activity in your heart. It records this activity on a strip of paper. Your doctor may use this test to check for an irregular heartbeat or heart damage.


An超声心动图is an ultrasound of your heart. It uses sound waves to create a picture of your heart. Your doctor may use it to evaluate your heart valves and heart muscles.

Stress test

To diagnose heart problems, your doctor may need to examine you while you’re doing strenuous activity. During astress test, they may ask you to ride a stationary bike or walk or run on a treadmill for several minutes. They’ll monitor your body’s reaction to stress as your heart rate increases.

Carotid ultrasound

Acarotid duplex scanuses sound waves to create pictures of your carotid arteries on both sides of your neck. It allows your doctor to check for a buildup of plaque in your arteries and assess your risk of stroke.

Holter monitor

If your doctor needs to monitor your heart over a period 24 to 48 hours, they’ll ask you to wear a device called aHolter monitor。这台小型机器就像连续的心电图一样工作。您的医生可以使用它来检查可能在普通心电图中未发现的心脏异常,例如心律不齐, or irregular heartbeats.

Chest X-ray

Achest X-rayuses a small amount of radiation to create images of your chest, including your heart. It can help your doctor determine the cause of shortness of breath or chest pains.



CT scan

ACT scanuses multiple X-ray images to create a cross-sectional image of your heart. Your doctor may use different types of CT scans to diagnose heart disease. For example, they may use a calcium score screening heart scan to check for calcium deposits in your coronary arteries. Or they may usecoronary CT angiographyto check for fat or calcium deposits in your arteries.


In an MRI, large magnets and radio waves create images of the inside of your body. During aheart MRI, a technician creates images of your blood vessels and heart while it’s beating. After the test, your doctor can use the images to diagnose many conditions, such as heart muscle diseases and coronary artery disease.

Sometimes noninvasive tests don’t provide enough answers. Your doctor may need to use an invasive procedure to diagnose heart disease. Invasive procedures involve tools that physically enter the body, such as a needle, tube, or scope.

Coronary angiography and cardiac catheterization

Duringcardiac catheterization, your doctor inserts a long flexible tube through a blood vessel in your groin or other part of your body. Then they move this tube toward your heart. Your doctor can use it to conduct tests to check for blood vessel problems and heart abnormalities.

For example, your doctor may complete a coronary angiography with catheterization. They’ll inject a special dye into the blood vessels of your heart. Then they’ll use an X-ray to look at your coronary arteries. They can use this test to look for narrowed or blocked arteries.

Electrophysiology study

If you have abnormal heart rhythms, your doctor may conduct an electrophysiology study to determine the cause and best treatment plan. During this test, your doctor feeds an electrode catheter through your blood vessel to your heart. They use this electrode to send electric signals to your heart and create a map of its electrical activity.

Your doctor may try to restore your natural heart rhythm by prescribing medications or other treatments.

If you suspect you may have heart disease, make an appointment with your doctor. Factors that put you at a higher risk for heart disease include:

  • family history of heart disease
  • history of smoking
  • obesity
  • poor diet
  • 年龄

Your doctor may perform a physical examination, order blood tests, or use other tests to check for problems with your heart or blood vessels. These tests can help them diagnose heart disease and develop a treatment plan.

心脏病的并发症包括心脏attack and stroke. You can reduce the risk of complications with early diagnosis and treatment. Talk with your doctor if you have any concerns. They’ll teach you how to identify symptoms of heart disease and maintain a healthy heart.