cooking heart healthy asian seafood Share on Pinterest
Ina Peters/Stocksy

Can proteins be heart-healthy? Experts say yes. But when it comes to choosing the best protein sources for your diet, it pays to be discriminating. It’s also important to eat the proper amount of different types of蛋白质

For example, the 一个merican Heart Association reports that many Americans get more protein than needed from meats high in saturated fat.


加工肉与心血管疾病有关,部分原因是它们的含量高钠。Harvard School of Public Health

一个 number of studies suggest 用更多心脏健康的蛋白质取代高脂肉类,例如鱼,豆类,家禽,坚果和低脂乳制品,可能有助于预防心脏病。


期刊最近的一项研究 循环 发现高水平的红肉摄入增加了冠心病的风险。您可以通过转移到替代蛋白质来源来降低这种风险。

Eating more fish and nuts was associated with a significantly lower risk of heart disease. One serving per day of nuts was associated with a 30 percent lower risk of heart disease than 1 serving per day of red meat.

One daily serving of fish was associated with a 24 percent lower risk, and poultry and low fat dairy were associated with a 19 percent and 13 percent lower risk, respectively.


鱼is one of the top protein picks to help prevent cardiovascular disease. You should eat one 3- to 6-ounce fillet or one 3-ounce can of fish each week. Two of the best types of fish to eat to decrease your risk of heart disease are tuna and salmon.





是否野生大马哈鱼你吃,新鲜,或者在校园里ed, it’s a smart choice for your heart. Like tuna, salmon contains omega-3s, as well as phosphorous, potassium, selenium, and vitamins B6, B12, and D.


这Harvard School of Public Health notes that while a 6-ounce broiled porterhouse steak provides 40 grams of complete protein, it also delivers about 38 grams of fat — 14 of them saturated.

这same amount of salmon provides 34 grams of protein and only 18 grams of fat — only 4 of which are saturated.

Nuts and legumes

一个ccording to some studies, nuts are one of the healthiest protein choices you can make for your heart. Options include walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, and peanuts.

Legumes such as beans, peas, and lentils are another excellent option. They contain no cholesterol and significantly less fat than meat.这Harvard School of Public Health注意,1杯煮熟的小扁豆可提供18克蛋白质和不到1克脂肪的脂肪。



Poultry, such as chicken or turkey, is a top low fat protein source. One serving of poultry is associated with a 19% lower risk of cardiovascular disease than 1 serving of red meat per day.

照顾真正降低我选择选项n fat. For example, choose skinless chicken breasts over fried chicken patties. Trim away any visible fat and remove the skin when you prepare poultry dishes.

Low-fat dairy

疾病控制与预防中心(CDC) suggests choosing the lower fat versions of the following high fat items:

  • 牛奶
  • 起司
  • yogurt
  • 酸奶油


一个n older research review 但是,确实表明,随着全鸡蛋的消耗,有70%的胆固醇水平几乎没有变化。

This same review also suggests that a potential 30 percent of people who eat whole eggs are considered “hyper-responders” and may see increases in a specific type of LDL, called pattern A, which is less heart disease-promoting than pattern B LDL.


  • Women (ages 19+):46 grams
  • Men (ages 19+):56克

For example, 1 cup of milk has 8 grams of protein, 6 ounces of salmon has 34 grams of protein, and 1 cup of dried beans has 16 grams of protein. These add up to about the amount of protein that an adult man would need for an entire day.
