Ah, bedtime. That glorious time of day when you drift into dreamland and forget your troubles. At least that’s how it’s supposed to happen.

For many people, the day-to-day rigor can keep your mind churning and your body tossing and turning until the alarm starts blaring in your ear the next morning. And why does that thing go off so soon after you fall asleep?



Drockling confuses your body’s internal clock so it’s hard to wake up refreshed. When you finally do roll out of bed, you’re more likely to be groggy and cranky. And is that really how you want to spend your morning?


If you do find yourself with extra time in the a.m., opt for something that can help keep you grounded, like light exercise, journaling, or冥想




Making the bed helps get you moving in the morning and gives you a sense of accomplishment. And think of how much calmer you’ll feel at bedtime when you climb into a nicely-made bed instead of a mass of tangled sheets and blankets.

如果您打开自己喜欢的音乐,请找到您的morning groove是不可避免的。因此,除非您有睡觉的孩子,否则您不想醒来,请继续抽水。奖金?音乐使您想跳舞,因此您也会燃烧一些卡路里。

Consider buying an aromatherapy diffuser for your bedroom. Inhaling a stimulating essential oil can awaken your senses and get you energized.

Some invigorating scents to choose from include:

  • peppermint
  • 薄荷
  • orange
  • lemon
  • 佛手柑
  • pink grapefruit
  • clove
  • 广香

If you simply can’t roll out of bed despite your best efforts, tug your hair. Gently pulling your hair not only gives you an eye-opening twinge; it also helps stimulate blood flow to your scalp.

Of course, if you take this advice to heart, don’t go overboard. Pulling your hair may get you going, but if you do it too hard, it’s also likely to tick you off — at yourself.


Stretching may also help get you through your day by:

  • increasing
  • 增加范围
    of motion
  • increasing
  • 降低风险
    of injury

不确定从哪里开始?One of these stretches may be just what you need.



Drinking aglass of waterbefore your cup of coffee or tea can help rehydrate your body and rev your metabolism. If you don’t drink water until later, you’re more likely to becomedehydrated

脱水可能会导致混乱,尿液,疲劳和头晕 - 您绝对不想整天都会体验到的症状。

Proteins are the building blocks of every cell you have. It just makes more sense to power your body with a high-protein breakfast, such as a hard-boiled egg or a protein shake, instead of a sugary doughnut or muffin that will mess with your blood sugar levels and sap your energy.Need some inspiration? Check out these high-protein breakfast recipes.

Who’s in control when you wake up — you, or your morning routine? Many days, it may seem like the latter, but you can change that. Make mornings work for you by eating right, avoiding your electronics unless there’s an emergency, and prepping clothes and meals ahead of time.

If you’re one of many in your home, don’t be a morning martyr. Enlist the entire family to work as a team to make the morning rush less stressful.

If your bedtime, morning, and weekend routines are all over the map, you’re blowing your chances of sleeping well and waking up refreshed.

支持身体的自然sleep cycle, develop routines and stick with them. This means going to bed at the same time each night and waking up the same time each morning.

There are countless things you can do the night before to step up your morning game. The key is to be consistent so the steps you take become habit.

咖啡因是一种在系统中持续数小时的兴奋剂。根据American Academy of Sleep Medicine, research has shown drinking caffeine six hours before bedtime reduces total sleep time by one hour.

Skipping that afternoon cup may mean the difference between getting a full eight hours of sleep and wishing for a nap around 3 p.m.

一杯酒可能会有所帮助you fall asleep when your nerves are frayed, but you don’t want to rely on it every night. Alcohol can disrupt your sleep cycle and prevent you from reaching REM, or deep sleep.

And have you ever had a hangover? Enough said.

Taking 10 minutes or so to choose your clothes for the next day, iron them, and lay them out can save you loads of morning stress. If you have kids, teach them to do the same. It’s an easy hack guaranteed to make your daily routine easier.

咖啡。那黑暗,丰富的燃料……嗯,beveragethat makes you human again. Why struggle half-awake through half-open eyes to find your coffee filters and coffee when you can prep your mojo the night before?

Better yet, buy a programmable coffee maker that’ll have your morning cup of aromatic bliss ready for you when you wake.

Spending a few minutes at night deciding on what you’re going to have for breakfast the next morning helps you makehealthy breakfast choicesand lowers the risk of grabbing something quick and unhealthy.

You could cut up vegetables for a healthy egg scramble, make overnight oats to leave in the fridge, or prepare chia pudding with berries that will be waiting for your first thing in the morning.

There really is an app for everything!Sleep apps跟踪您的睡眠习惯,以帮助您确定最佳睡前时间以及应该何时醒来的时间。还有一些放松应用程序和白噪声应用程序可以帮助您入睡。想知道哪个应用适合您?Here are some options to get you started.


Although turning to your phone first thing in the morning can be disastrous, using it before bed may be worse. That’s because electronics expose you to蓝光

Blue light is thought to stimulate your brain and block it from producing melatonin, the hormone that tells your body it’s time for 40 winks. Try cutting your screen time off an hour or two before you plan to sleep.

It may be nice to wake up to the sound of a gentle rainfall or crashing waves, but does it really make you want to get out of bed? Doubtful.


It should go without saying, but to wake up on time, make sure your alarm is set each night. Place it on a dresser on the opposite side of the room or even in an adjoining bathroom — wherever you can still hear it! You’re less likely to hit the snooze button and fall back to sleep if you have to get out of bed and walk across the room to turn it off.

Take it one step further and make your alarm require you to perform a mental task for it to shut off. For example, the iPhone has an alarm shut-off function that requires you to solve a simple math problem. If math gives you an instant headache, use an app that requires you to snap a picture of something somewhere in your home before shutting off.

Humans are creatures of habit. Establishing an evening ritual helps signal your body it’s time for sleep. Consider drinking a cup of herbal tea —chamomile is a great choice— reading a book, or taking a relaxing bath before bedtime. Whatever your routine, don’t divert from it.

If you can’t stand the sound of silence, or you wake up at every little sound, white noise may be a great bedtime option for you. It helps keep the sound in the room consistent, and blocks out sudden noises that may wake you up.

You can purchase a white noise machine, keep a playlist running, or just keep a fan on throughout the night.

If you can’t sleep, don’t lie in bed counting sheep. Despite the hype, it seldom works.


You can take all the above steps and still not sleep a wink if your bed is a mess of tangled covers and grimy bedding. Your bed is your oasis. Here’s how to create a comforting space that promotes relaxation and sleep.

An uncomfortable pillow is a prescription for a lousy night’s sleep.Find a pillowthat keeps your head in a neutral position. Consider investing in a so-called smart pillow, which conforms to your neck and head. You should also wash your pillowcases regularly to keep things smelling fresh.

店铺all expert-verified pillows in our sleep shop to work toward your best snooze possible.

Your college days of crashing on whatever surface is closest are over. It’s time to step up your game and invest in a mattress that best suitsyour sleep needs

根据更好的睡眠基础, you should evaluate your mattress every seven years. If it’s not literally supporting you, replace it. There are many mattress options out there, from innerspring to memory foam. If you think it’s time to upgrade, visit a mattress store and test drive several types to find the best fit for you.

Want suggestions? Browse our market, filled with editor-trusted and expert-verified mattress recommendations.


If you’re not sleeping well, review yourblanketsituation, and adjust accordingly. If you can’t get your significant other to compromise, it may be time to purchase a sofa bed…

正确的灯泡是重要的如果你struggling to sleep. Both fluorescent and LED bulbs give off melatonin-obstructing blue light. The国家睡眠基金会recommends using red, pink, or incandescent bulbs in your bedroom lamps to promote restful sleep.

For the record, neutral isn’t red, hot pink, or puce. Staring at neon walls is a surefire way to stay awake. If you’re dealing with a fiery shade left over from an earlier renovation, consider a room redo.

Switching to a soothing, neutral color such as light blue, grey, white, or beige may make all the difference and transform your sleep.

Please don’t send hate mail! I’m an animal lover, and understand how comforting it is to snuggle in bed with a beloved pet.

But I’m also a realist, and unless your pet understands the concept of personal space, you’re more likely to get a better night’s sleep if they sleep in their own bed on the floor. This way you can keep them close without having to deal with constant shuffling throughout the night.